Angel to Lindsey: Hell, I just might be coming back for you anyway.
from Darla (Season 2)
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ANGEL: (choking Lindsey) Where is she?

LINDSEY: (holds up his phone) I was...

ANGEL: You get just enough breath to tell me where she is. My advice? Don't waste it.

(We hear Cordy's voice from the phone: Angel Investigations, we help the helpless. How can we help you? Hello? Hello? )

LINDSEY: I was trying to call you. They're gonna kill her. You gotta stop it. Alright? She needs you. Please.

ANGEL: You're a liar.

LINDSEY: It's true!

ANGEL: Where?

LINDSEY: In an abandoned bank on Figaro and Ninth. Wolfram and Hart own the property. I'm pretty sure that's where they're gonna take her.

ANGEL: You're pretty sure.

LINDSEY: I'm not exactly in the loop on this, alright? That's where they do this sort of stuff. It'll be underground where the vaults used to be.

ANGEL: If this is a trick, just know that I'll be coming back for you. (drops him) Hell, I just might be coming back for you anyway.

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, reformatted and double checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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