Angel: You screw with me, and you screw with me, and... you screw with me. And now, I get to screw with you.
from Blood Money (Season 2)
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(Parking garage. Lilah starts her car, checks rearview mirror, turns around to see:)

ANGEL: Lilah. I just had to drop by and congratulate you on your big promotion. Co-Vice-President Special Projects. Wow. That's super. Yeah. You deserve it. Yeah. That, and *so* much more.

LILAH: Angel...

ANGEL: But you know what the real special part is? To *think* that maybe, in my small way, I helped make it happen for you. Makes me feel all good inside.

LILAH: Angel, I can assure you, now that Lindsey and I are in a - position to affect policy, things'll change.

ANGEL: Change? Well, yeah! Because I get it now.


ANGEL: The game. It's actually kind of fun when you know the rules. I mean, when you know - that there aren't any. You screw with me, and you screw with me, and... you screw with me. And now, I get to screw with you.

LILAH: Uh...

ANGEL: That's gonna be great!

LILAH: Angel, please...

ANGEL: (Leans close) No. No. No. No. The begging: that comes later.

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written by: Mere Smith & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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