Riley: Back off, Buffy
from Out of My Mind (Season 5)
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(Buffy is exploring the initiative cave with a flashlight)

BUFFY: Riley?

(She rounds a corner and finds Riley punching the rock wall. He's looking decidedly not-well)

RILEY: You know, this doesn't even hurt.

BUFFY: Your hand is bleeding.

RILEY: Don't feel a thing.

(He moves to punch the wall again but Buffy stops him.)

BUFFY: This stops now. I'm taking you to the doctor.

RILEY: The one from the government, you mean? Like the ones who did this to me in the first place?

(he puts up a hand in a "no thanks" gesture and backs away)

BUFFY: He's the only one that understands what's wrong with you. He's the only one that can help.

RILEY: What's wrong with me? I'm more powerful than I've ever been, Buffy. Most people would kill to feel this way.

BUFFY: Yeah, and this feeling is *going* to kill you. Riley, your body was not built for this kind of strength-

RILEY: I can handle it. This is my deal, Buffy, just ... back off.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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