Darla and Lilah discuss dreams from Untouched (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
DARLA: (from the corner as Lilah rifles through Lindsey's office) Exciting, isn't it?
LILAH: (surprised) Darla. I didn't see you.
DARLA: Going through their things, all the hidden pieces of themselves locked away, giving you a naughty little thrill of control.
LILAH: I just like to keep abreast of his latest project. He's probably in my office right now trying to find out about mine. That's just how it works at our firm.
DARLA: Hmm, all you busy little worker bees, plotting your little schemes.
LILAH: (looks at powder in Darla's palm) Calynthia (??) powder? Is that how you keep Angel sleeping, when he's with you?
DARLA: There is nothing so lovely as dreams. Everything's in them, everything hidden. Open those chambers and you can truly understand someone -- and control them.
LILAH: (with a smile) And what's hidden in Angel's secret chambers?
DARLA: Horrors.
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at: