of earthquakes, jelly donuts & Xander
from The Zeppo (Season 3)
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WILLOW: He's cranky.

BUFFY: It's a good night for it.

WILLOW: Can't dogs sense when there's an earthquake, a-a-and they bark? Or cows lie down or something?

BUFFY: (reads) 'Sisterhood of Jhe. Race of female demons, fierce warriors...' Eww. '...celebrate victory in battle by eating their foes.' They couldn't just pour Gatorade on each other?

Giles come out of his office carrying a heavy leather bag.

GILES: The Council wouldn't even take my calls. (disgusted) Idiots. (to the girls) Anything useful in the books?

BUFFY: Not wildly.

WILLOW: We still have the Books of Pherion to go through.

BUFFY: I'm getting itchy feet, Giles. We don't turn up something soon, I'm gonna hit the streets. Maybe check out Willy's.

GILES: Fine.

WILLOW: Where are you going?

GILES: Um, to try and contact the Spirit Guides. They exist out of time, but have knowledge of the future. I have no idea if they will respond to my efforts, but I have to try. All we know is that the fate of the entire world rests on it. Did you eat all the jellies?

BUFFY: (innocently) Did you want a jelly?

GILES: (petulantly) I always have a jelly. I'm always the one that says 'let's have a jelly in the mix.'

WILLOW: We're sorry. (tattles quickly) Buffy had three.

GILES: No matter. If Xander makes another run...

BUFFY: No. Xander's out of this. He nearly got killed last time we fought. This whole thing will be easier if we know he's safe.

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written by: Dan Vebber; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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