Doyle: we put together that list of eviscerating demons you asked for
from Lonely Hearts (Season 1)
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CORDELIA: Who is it?

ANGEL: It's me.

CORDELIA: Oh, my god. Are you okay?

ANGEL: Look, I-I can't, um...

DOYLE: Invite him in! As long as you're alive, vampires, they can't cross the threshold unless you...

CORDELIA: Oh, right, right. You promise you'll stay good?

ANGEL: Cordelia.

CORDELIA: I'm kidding. Come in.

DOYLE: What happened to you, man. You look wrecked!

ANGEL: That woman that I was talking to at the bar last night, you know, Kate?

CORDELIA: She's the killer?

ANGEL: She's a cop. Followed me to another body.

DOYLE: Now she thinks you're the killer.

ANGEL: Yeah. So we don't have a lot of time to...

(He notices the state of her apartment.)

ANGEL: You actually live here?

CORDELIA: Yes, okay? Is it my fault that maid service was interrupted? It was supposed to go, home, hotel, hotel, husband. Now, can we move on?

DOYLE: Yeah, well, we put together that list of eviscerating demons that you asked for. We actually narrowed it down to three or four.

ANGEL: I saw it. It's a burrower.

CORDELIA: It's a donkey? Oh, we didn't see any donkey demons.

ANGEL: Burrower.


ANGEL: It eviscerates its victims as it moves from body to body, and it may only be able to do it after some kind of a sex act, exchange of fluids kind of thing.


DOYLE: Lovely.

ANGEL: Look I want you to find out anything you can about this thing. Weaknesses especially. It was amazingly strong while we were fighting. It may be hard to kill.

DOYLE: We're on it.

ANGEL: Good. I'm going to get back to the bar, see if I can find this thing.

CORDELIA: What makes you think that it will show? It knows that you're after it.

ANGEL: It'll be out there. It's got to keep trying to make a connection.


ANGEL: Because that's what lonely people do.

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written by: David Fury; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by M'lyn.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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