Angel: where would Fred go? from Fredless (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
CORDELIA: There's just something - off about them. I can't put my finger on what.
WESLEY: Fred must have returned while we were in here, seen her parents and...
ANGEL: Took off. That's not a good sign.
GUNN: They said she sent them a letter. Can you picture Fred sneaking off to send a letter?
CORDELIA: Pfft! Sneaking off, right. Fred can barely tie her shoes without Mr. 'oh, you're my big, fat hero!' around.
ANGEL: You think I'm fat?
WESLEY: This could be a ruse, to trick us into letting them get close to her. Making it seem as though she'd initiated contact.
ANGEL: On the other hand if the letter is real and she told them not to look for her, there's got to be a reason for that.
CORDELIA: Fred never talks about her family.
ANGEL: So, where do we start? Where would Fred go?
GUNN: We could hit all the local taco stands. Joke! - Kind of.
ANGEL: Come on, guys, think! What do we know about Fred?
GUNN: Well, I knew about the tacos.
ANGEL: All right. She seemed pretty comfortable in the sewers. They're dark, cave-like. She felt safe there. I'll head back down there, see if I can find her.
WESLEY: She worked at the Public Library. There may be colleagues there she trusted.
CORDELIA: (RE: parents) What about them? We can't just leave them there! What if Fred comes back?
ROGER: (to Trish) Is it time?
TRISH: Not yet.
(The gang follows Wes out of the office into the lobby.)
WESLEY: Mr. and Mrs. Burkle, we're gonna try a few places we think Fred may have gone. Would you like to come along?
ROGER: Ah, all six of us? Wouldn't it make more sense to split up, cover more territory?
GUNN: Perhaps.
ANGEL: Well, I'm gonna check out some of my, ah, industry contacts. So it'll just be the five of you.
TRISH: Industry contacts? Why would... - Fred's not - 'making movies,' is she?
ANGEL: Movies? Oh, you mean... No! No, no, of course not. It's just some of these contacts they-they know things sometimes. They're, ah, underground.
WESLEY: Right. Uh - shall we go?
ANGEL: (to Wes) Call me if...
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: