Spike to Angel: You! This is your fault.
from Just Rewards (Season 5)
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(Fred is pointing a hand-held scanner at Spike)

SPIKE: So what are you then? Scanner girl?

FRED: I'm Fred. I head up Wolfram & Hart's Science Department.

SPIKE: Wolfram & Hart. Heard of that. Thought it was a law firm.

FRED: It is, among other things.

SPIKE: Also heard they represent the worst evil in the universe.

ANGEL: It did, among other things, but now I'm in charge.

SPIKE: Are you now?

FRED: Weird. I'm getting electromagnetic readings consistent with spiritual entities, but there's no ectoplasmic matrix.

GUNN: Meaning?

FRED: Ectoplasm's what makes ghosts visible to the human eye. If he's a ghost, technically we shouldn't be able to see him. And I'm detecting brainwave activity.

ANGEL: On Spike? (chuckles) That *is* weird.

FRED: Also, ghosts generally absorb light and heat energy making the area around them a few degrees cooler. Spike's radiating heat.

SPIKE: (smirks) Think I'm hot, do you?

FRED: Mm...lukewarm. Just above room temperature.

SPIKE: Well, what the hell am I then?

WESLEY: Whatever he is, it's clearly tied to this amulet. Spike's essence, for lack of a better term, must have been held within it. (to Spike) Do you have any memory of a strange sensation when it released its energy?

SPIKE: What? You mean my skin and muscle burning away from the bone? Organs exploding in my chest? Eyeballs melting in their sockets? No. No memory at all. Thanks for asking.

ANGEL: OK, he's connected to the amulet. Last I heard it was buried deep inside of the hellmouth. How did it end up here?

FRED: Maybe he's here for a reason. You know, some higher purpose or something he's destined for. Sent to us by the powers that be to help us or—

SPIKE: Who gave them the bloody right to do that? Can't a man die in peace without some high almighty deciding it's not his time. Let's have a little more fun with him, eh? You think that saving the sodding world would be enough to earn me a rest. You'd think—

(Spike starts to go translucent)

FRED: Spike?

SPIKE: Hmm? (realizes) Oh, balls. (disappears)

GUNN: Now what?

FRED: I don't know. He just... (to Angel) What did he mean, saving the world?

ANGEL: Oh, that—well—Buffy did most of the work. Well, he helped, but—

SPIKE: (rematerializes) Hmm? What? What?

LORNE: Took the what's right out of our mouths.

GUNN: Where'd you go?

FRED: Don't you know?

SPIKE: I'm—I was... (to Angel) You! This is your fault.

ANGEL: Mine?

SPIKE: You brought that bloody amulet to Sunnydale. You would have been the one to use it, until you chickened out.

ANGEL: (threatening) What did you—

SPIKE: You heard me! You left town in the nick of time, didn't you, before the death and mayhem? Abandoned the woman you claimed to love.

ANGEL: She made the call. Wasn't my choice.

SPIKE: And this, bloody hell, wasn't mine. I'm not you. I don't give a piss about atonement or destiny. Just because I got me a soul doesn't mean I'm gonna let myself be led around by—

FRED: E-excuse me?

WESLEY: Did—did you just say— Spike has a soul? (to Angel) You never said.

ANGEL: Didn't seem worth mentioning, you know.

GUNN: Seems to be a lot of that.

SPIKE: Or maybe Captain Forehead was feeling a little less special. Didn't like me crashing his exclusive club—another vampire with a soul in the world.

ANGEL: (growls) You're not in the world...Casper. (walks away)

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written by: David Fury & Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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