Gavin to Angel: This is a list of fifty-seven city code violations for your hotel
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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GAVIN: (entering) Excuse me.

CORDELIA: Oh. Hi. I'm sorry I didn't hear you sneak up on us. (noting his shoes) Must be those tastefully expensive Gucci Loafers. Totally our fault.

WESLEY: He's not a client. He's Gavin Park, attorney with Wolfram and Hart.

Park: Pleased to meet you. (Sees Fred) New player?

WESLEY: Well, now that we've had this lovely reintroduction - I suggest you piss off.

ANGEL: (arriving) Is there a problem?

WESLEY: No, no problem. Mr. Park was just leaving.

GAVIN: No. Actually, I just arrived. (Pulls out some papers) This is a list of fifty-seven city code violations for your hotel, including earthquake proofing, asbestos and termites. Be advised I filed a copy of this with the city planning office.

ANGEL: Gee, fifty-seven - is that a lot?

GAVIN: I'll be in touch.

CORDELIA: Yeah, okay - minion of darkness - Satan's toady - but that is a *nice* suit. Did you see that suit?

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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