Parker introduces himself
from Living Conditions (Season 4)
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(cafeteria, where Buffy spots Kathy and avoids being noticed by her by cutting in line rather than walking past her to get to the end. The guy she cuts in front of speaks up.)

PARKER: Ex-boyfriend? Or loan shark?

BUFFY: Excuse me?

PARKER: The person you're hiding from.

BUFFY: Oh... both. Ugly breakup. I'm sorry, I just cut you...

PARKER: No, stay... stay. I'll watch your back. Freshman, huh?

BUFFY: Is it that obvious?

PARKER: There are signs. For instance, people who've been around for awhile know how to use their dining hall card.

BUFFY: It's not for food?

PARKER: Work it right and you can get three meals worth, which equals fewer punch cards used annually.

BUFFY: And more cash from dad which you get to keep for yourself.

PARKER: Right! The goal is to polish off as much as humanly possible at one sitting. Enough to get you through the rest of the day, if necessary. While chipmunking items for future consumption.

BUFFY: Ahh, got it.

PARKER: Excess dry goods fit nicely in a backpack or your pocket. The wetter items--macaronies, your turkey loaf--then you're into ziplocks. It's not for beginners.

BUFFY: I'll just take it slow.


BUFFY: So, those are my... (He sees the gang at the table.) are you...

PARKER: Oh, no, I have someone waiting. Otherwise I'd... heh, uh, Parker Abrams.

(He offers his hand which Buffy shakes.)

PARKER: I'm at Kresge hall.

BUFFY: Buffy Summers, Stevenson.

PARKER: Ok, well, I'll see you around Buffy Summers of Stevenson.

BUFFY: See ya, Parker Abrams.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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