David: I believe in rewarding good work
from War Zone (Season 1)
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DAVID: Ah. This should take care of your expenses to date. I want you to know I really appreciate what you did at the party.

WESLEY: At the party? What we did at the party?

CORDELIA: It was a wonderful party.

DAVID: We talked. We had some good times. It meant a lot to me.


WESLEY: Yes, but you were paying us to be there.

DAVID: I do that all the time. But you guys actually hung with me. It was - it was special.

CORDELIA: (snatching the check) I'm in charge of the... (spots the amount) Mmm-mm! (shows Wes)

WESLEY: Good Lord. I think there must be some mistake.

CORDELIA: I'm sure Mr. Nabbit knows how to write a check.

DAVID: No, there's no mistake. I just believe in rewarding good work.

WESLEY: This is amazingly generous, Mr. Nabbit, but we are really not finished with the job.

NABBIT: It's only money, and I've got sack-fulls, and it's - it's David. You guys call me David, okay?

CORDELIA: I like David. It's such a strong, masculine name. It just feels good in your mouth.

WESLEY: Well, David, you won't be disappointed. We'll earn every cent of your generous confidence in our firm.



WESLEY: (whispers to Cordelia) Feels good in your mouth?

CORDELIA: I was flustered!

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written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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