Angel: I'm just waiting for Wesley to have that Eureka moment from Over the Rainbow (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Angel is sitting at Wesley's desk, the phone receiver lying on the table next to him.)
ANGEL: (into receiver) So as soon as Wes solves our scattering problem, we'll be leaving. Don't know if we'll be coming back. - It's eleven sixteen. Cordy's been gone for almost twenty-four hours now. - I think I covered everything. - Oh. The mortgage for the hotel - is under the company name. The lease is up on six months, at least that's what they tell me, so... I guess that's it. - Take care of yourself.
LORNE: How you're holding up?
ANGEL: I wanna go bad. I'm just waiting for Wes to have that Eureka moment.
WESLEY: (From off screen) Eureka!
ANGEL: Oh, jeez. Thank god.
LORNE: You mean he actually really says Eureka?
WESLEY: (Running in) I know how to get us through the portal!
ANGEL: Good. Hey, let's go!
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: