Colonel: no woman is worth that
from New Moon Rising (Season 4)
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(Oz huddled in a corner of a cell in the Initiative, naked and shivering.)

RILEY: Oz. Put these on, man.

(Gives Oz some clothes. Riley helping Oz walk through the darkened Initiative staging area. Oz is clothed but weak. He leans on Riley. Suddenly the lights come on and they're surrounded by soldiers with guns. Forrest and Graham step forward. )

FORREST: End of the line.

(Riley looks alarmed. Commercial. )


(Resume in the Initiative brig. A guard lets Colonel Macnamara in. He enters and goes over to Riley's cell. Riley stands up from sitting on the bed and stands at attention. The colonel unlocks the door and walks into the cell.)

COLONEL: At ease.

RILEY: Permission to speak, Colonel.

COLONEL: Denied. Being new around here, Finn, I had a look at your record and Professor Walsh's notes. Until recently, you were an exemplary soldier headed straight for the top. Then you meet this girl, this ... slayer, and suddenly you begin to exhibit signs of disloyalty. You abuse your command. But tonight... To release a lethal HST back into the population -

RILEY: Sir, the prisoner-

COLONEL: You will speak when I tell you to!

COLONEL: Tomorrow I am going to institute a court-martial to investigate the extent of your involvement with the Slayer and her band of freaks. (pause) They're anarchists, Finn ... too backwards for the real world. You help us take them down, and you just might save your military career. Otherwise, you'll go to your grave labeled a traitor. No woman is worth that.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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