Roger: Phase 1 complete. Begin Phase 2.
from Lineage (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

ROGER: Does this sort of thing happen very often around here?

WESLEY: We should—

(a cyborg bursts into Wesley's office wielding a chain)


(pushes his father to the ground, grabs a sword, fights, gets thrown across the room)

WESLEY: Father! (throws him his sword)

(Wesley's father engages the cyborg in a fight, but Wesley steps in, knocking the cyborg down.)

ROGER: What do you think you're doing? I had attack priority.

WESLEY: We're not fencing.

ROGER: We still follow the basic rules.

(The cyborg starts to stand up, so Wesley grabs the sword out of his father's hands and thrusts it into the gut of the cyborg. The cyborg stumbles backwards as electricity surges around him. He falls to the ground.)

WESLEY: There could be more of them in the building. We should get moving.

ROGER: That thing went straight for the templates when he burst into the room. You can't leave them like that.

WESLEY: Grab the books. (whispering to his security door) Elysium. (it opens, they carry the books in)

ROGER: In my days we fought werewolves, vampires, the occasional swamp man. And now we have protohuman cybernetic chain fighters.

WESLEY: Yes, well, times are more complicated.

ROGER: Yeah, I'm beginning to realize that. You handled that fellow... quite readily. At least you haven't gone soft. What's our next move?

WESLEY: Are you asking me what I think?

ROGER: (laughing) Now, don't look so shocked, boy.

WESLEY: Well, I think we should contact the others... um, find out to what extent—

(Wes turns his back to stack more books, and his father takes the opportunity to knock him out with the butt of his handgun. Roger then fetches a short twisty staff with a stone crown out of a locked compartment.)

ROGER: (touches his earpiece) Phase 1 complete. Begin Phase 2.

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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