Wesley: We take our work here very seriously.
from Lineage (Season 5)
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WESLEY: You have the wrong idea about this place.

ROGER: Do I? The atrocities committed by Wolfram & Hart are quite well documented.

WESLEY: We're working to change that. Under our control, this firm's becoming a powerful weapon, one that I think can make a difference. Believe me. We take our work here very seriously.

(Lorn walks off the elevator)

LORNE: (into cell) You're killing me. If Louis Gossett, Jr. wants this foam party to happen, he'll keep his mouth zipped tight. I've been working on this guest list all week. Yes, my entire week. I don't care about Iron Eagle II, Van. Nobody did. Oh, no. Don't tell him that. (hangs up the phone) Wesley Wyndam-Price, you should be ashamed. I didn't know you had a younger brother.

WESLEY: Lorne. Yes. This is my father, Roger Wyndam-Price.

ROGER: How do you do?

LORNE: A father? Well, I don't believe it. Well, OK, I do believe it, but only 'cause I heard you were in the building. Ha ha ha. Well, look at you. It's like Winston Churchill and a young Richard Harris had a beautiful love child, which, according to my sources, may not be as ridiculous as it sounds. (chuckles)

WESLEY: Lorne runs our entertainment division.

ROGER: Entertainment division. Well, I can see how that would be very useful in the fight against evil.

GUNN: (arriving) You'd be amazed at how many horrible movies we've stopped.

WESLEY: Gunn, this is my father.

GUNN: It's an honor. This place is buzzing about you. Better watch out. If you're anything like your son here, we might put you to work.

ROGER: You might well be out of luck.

GUNN: (to Wesley) Hey, listen, the lab called for you. They're working on Robocop upstairs. Need your help.

ROGER: Robocop?

WESLEY: We had an encounter with a cyborg last night while we were infiltrating a weapons ring. I should head up there. (reluctantly, to his father) Would you like to come along?

ROGER: Yes... if I'm not in the way.

WESLEY: No, not at all.

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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