Fred: Just a stunning revelation of my true path in life, that's all
from Fredless (Season 3)
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GUNN: We hit that thing with a bus. You're telling me a bus won't kill it?

ANGEL: I don't think it's the same one.

(Angel is looking out into the garden court which is crawling with giant bugs.)

CORDELIA: We are so immensely dead.

WESLEY: Weapons. Angel, we..

(The door opens and Fred runs in.)

FRED: Here! I'm here.


FRED: Oh, I'm late!

(Roger helps her to drag her contraption into position. The bug is still stabbing at the downed Angel. Gunn and Wes raise their weapons trying to block its pincers.)

ANGEL: Who's helping me here?

FRED: I am!

(She stomps down on her contraption. A battle axe sails through the air and splits the Durslar head like an over ripe melon. Green goop spatters the wall and a bunch of little cockroaches crawl free of it. The bug leaves off Angel and the gang, instead going to collect the bug filled bottom part of the head. The bug heads for the garden court. The little bugs follow after it.)

GUNN: So. *Not* a toaster.

ANGEL: Fred, how did you...

FRED: The crystals. The ones we saw in the sewer? They were on the Durslar head , too. And at first I thought they came from the Durslar, but then I saw *this*. - Daddy?

(Roger hands her the crystal covered shirt.)

FRED: Those crystals are just dried up bug goop. It must have laid its eggs in the Durslar's head, which would explain the Durslar coming up out of the sewer, 'cause, I mean, wouldn't you be a little crazy if you had eggs in your head? I know I would. Anyway, that'd be all fine and Darwinian, except Angel killed the Durslar and brought the head back here, so the Bug had to track him down to get its babies back.

WESLEY: And at the bus station, when Trish ran over the mother...

FRED: Or father. I think it might be a hive species gender neutral, but I'd have to do some research to back that up.

WESLEY: The whole hive showed up in order to reclaim its offspring. Brilliant deduction, Fred!

GUNN: Not to mention, that little axe gadget is tight.

FRED: That was just a random thought I had. What if you had to do battle with your arms cut off? Sure, you'd hemorrhage to death pretty quick, but at least you could take your enemy with you!

ANGEL: Nice going, Fred.

FRED: Aw, it was nothing. Just a stunning revelation of my true path in life, that's all.

ROGER: Come again, honey?

FRED: Look - I could go home with you and pretend the last five years didn't happen. - I could even pretend to have a normal life. - But the truth of it is... Well, I'm not normal anymore. I guess what I'm getting at is... - I-I missed you both so bad. But - I belong here. (Turns to the gang) Un-unless I don't. Which if- if you all don't wanna put up with me, I completely understand...

WESLEY: Lets put it to a vote, shall we? All in favor say aye. Aye. Motion passed. Good. You're staying.

FRED: Mamma. Daddy. This is my life now.

TRISH: We were kinda hoping you wouldn't figure that out.

ROGER: Of course we'd have to sick around for another couple of weeks.

FRED: Daddy!

ROGER: (laughs) Days. You know, just to catch up and get reacquainted, and to make *sure* that you are positive about your decision.

FRED: Oh, I think I know where I'll end up.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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