Angel: I move to appeal that ruling.
from Judgement (Season 2)
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(The pregnant woman hurrying down an almost empty street at night, three stone thrones occupied by robbed figures rise behind her. A knight in armor rides his horse up the street and throws down a bronze disk.)

JUDGE: Where is your champion?

WOMAN: He's-he's dead.

JUDGE: You have no coat of arms and no champion?

WOMAN: I ask for asylum.

JUDGE: Asylum is not ours to give. Two are chosen to meet in combat. One can save your life. One can take it. This is the ancient law. Your life is forfeit. You have no champion.

(The knight pulls his sword. A disk lands on top of the other one.)

ANGEL: Yes, she does.

JUDGE: The trial by combat will begin.

WOMAN: I really appreciate you coming through for us like this. But you know how you're not really good at anything? Sure you can do this?

ANGEL: I grew up around horses.

WOMAN: How long has it been since you've ridden one?

ANGEL: Been a while. Don't worry. It's not something you forget. I can do this.

(The woman walks over to the side.)

ANGEL: Nice horse. Try not to make me look stupid out there, okay? Alright.

(Angel mounts the horse and take up the shield and lance. The middle judge drops a red cloth and the knight charges.)

ANGEL: I guess that means go.

(They charge, clash, fight. Angel's sword gets stabbed through his gut. He drops to his knees. The demon knight turns to the Tribunal.)

JUDGE: The champion is defeated. She and all her issue are yours.

(The demon moves to slit the Woman's throat.)

ANGEL: I move to appeal that ruling.

(He beheads the demon.)

ANGEL: She's safe now, right?

JUDGE: You have won. She is under our protection, as is her daughter until she comes of age.

WOMAN: You okay?

ANGEL: Yeah.

WOMAN: You sure seem to bleed a lot.

ANGEL: It's part of the job.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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