Angel to Nina: What are you doing for breakfast?
from Smile Time (Season 5)
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(Nina, human again, wakes up to find puppet stuffing on her chin)

NINA: Oh, my God. I ate him.

(There is a knocking at the door. She reaches for a nearby silk robe.)

PUPPET ANGEL: (O.S.) Hey, uh, you decent?

NINA: Angel. Oh, thank God. Hold on one second. OK.

(Angel walks into the room)

NINA: Wow. Sorry. Takes getting used to.

PUPPET ANGEL: Ha. Tell me about it. Wes and Fred say my condition's improving, though.

NINA: So you're gonna change back?

PUPPET ANGEL: Yeah. 2, 3 days tops. Ahem...uh... anyway...

(opens the cage door)

PUPPET ANGEL: What are you doing for breakfast?

NINA: (laughs) What do puppets eat?

PUPPET ANGEL: Let's find out.

(Angel offers Nina his hand, and she takes it. They walk out of the room together, hand in hand.)

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written by: Joss Whedon & Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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