Xander: so you're one of the commando guys?
from Doomed (Season 4)
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RILEY: Well, hey! Willow - and Xander, right? Jeez, what are the chances, huh?

(Looks at Buffy for help, but she just folds her arms and looks down)

RILEY: Yeah, I was just passing by when I thought I heard people inside.

WILLOW: Passing by in your GI Joe outfit?

BUFFY: (suppressing a smile) No offence, but you do look wicked conspicuous.

RILEY: I do? But it's... - Paintball! Yeah, I was playing paintball. And then the aftershocks...

XANDER: So you're one of the commando guys, huh?

Riley laughs: Oh, no, no, no, no. Commando? No, I mean... (Notices Spike) Don't I know you?

SPIKE: Me? (Affecting a bad Texan accent) No. No, sir. I'm just an old pal of Xander's here.

RILEY: Oh. That's nice.

(Buffy walks out and Riley and the others follow. )

XANDER: (to Willow) It's kinda weird being back, isn't it?

WILLOW: Yeah. Everything seems so small - and more charred and ruiny.

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written by: Marti Noxon, David Fury, and Jane Espenson; . Full transcript at:
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