Assassin attacks from Sanctuary (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
ANGEL: (poking his head out from the bathroom) Is everything okay in there?
FAITH: (watching T.V.) It was touch and go for the four minutes you left me alone, but somehow I got through it.
ANNOUNCER: (on TV) Los Angeles police in conjunction with Federal authorities are looking for this woman tonight, a felony suspect from the California town of Sunnydale. The young woman...
ANGEL: Faith?
ANNOUNCER: ...believed to have fled to Los Angeles in recent days.
ANNOUNCER: Eyewitnesses identified her...
ANGEL: Faith... what is it?
ANNOUNCER: being involved in several recent assaults. Police want your help in finding her.
ANGEL: Faith, it's ok, alright? We knew about this.
ANNOUNCER: A press conference was held earlier.
ANGEL: Nothing's changed, alright? Nothing's...
KATE: (on the TV) Anyone with any information regarding the whereabouts of this suspect should get in touch with law enforcement immediately. Do not approach her. She's violent and unpredictable. I'll take a few questions.
ANGEL: Listen to me Faith. You're safe here. You hear me? You're safe.
(The thing hanging on the ceiling picks that moment to drop down on top of them. They fight it, Faith stabs it, kills it)
FAITH: (staring at her bloody hands) No.
ANGEL: Hey. Hey. Hey. Shh. Hey. (Leads her over to the day bed) Sit down. Shh. It's- it's okay. (Faith wraps her arms around Angel's neck, careful not to touch him with her bloody hands) Hey. It's gonna be okay. Okay? (Angel holds her) Shh. Alright.
written by: Joss Whedon & Tim Minear; original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod and me. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: