Gunn: But I never had a Fred before. If we have to, I choose you.
from Loyalty (Season 3)
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FRED: You barely touched your food. You feeling okay?

GUNN: Yeah. Yeah. Look. I've been thinking a lot about yesterday. I'm not really mad at Wes.

FRED: You were right though, right? I should have stood up to him.

GUNN: But I understand his position. He's the boss and we got to respect that. His job is to keep things tight and - that's a lot of pressure.

FRED: You aren't changing your mind, are you? - I mean, about - the wanting it all? - As long as we're not smooching on the job, or, you know, being sucked underground by a plant demon. I say, why not go for it?

GUNN: What if we can't manage it all? The job, the romance... Emotions are tricky. They can cloud our judgement, you know, like at the carousel last night. What if it doesn't work?

FRED: So we're back to that? - What if Wesley makes us choose?

GUNN: I've been fighting vamps and demons since I was a kid. That sense of doing good - of waking up in the morning and making the world safer - better... I've always had that.

(Fred looks down. A slow smile spreads across Gunn's face as he looks at her.)

GUNN: But I never had a Fred before. If we have to, I choose you. - I came on too strong, didn't I?

FRED: No. You came on just right.

GUNN: Look. Lets try not to worry too much. Wesley is a good man. He'll do the right thing. He always does.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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