Riley: maybe I'm the bad guy from Goodbye Iowa (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Xander's basement. Riley is not looking well.)
BUFFY: Riley, why don't you lie down? You'll be more comfortable.
(She sees him furiously scratching the back of his right hand. )
BUFFY: Stop it.
RILEY: (shaky voice) I can't. It's like . . . something's growing inside.
(He starts scratching and she takes his hand again.)
BUFFY: No. You're hurting yourself. C'mere. Okay, shh.
(she reaches up and pulls off the red scarf she had wrapped around her hair and gently wraps it around his hand)
RILEY: I thought I knew . . . but I don't. I don't know anything.
BUFFY: (soothingly) Shh. You're sick. Once you get some rest--
RILEY: No. Buffy. I don't know . . . anything. I don't know which team I'm on. Who the bad guys are. Maybe I'm the bad guy. Maybe I'm the thing you should kill.
BUFFY: No. Don't you even think that. Okay, listen to me. You're sick. You just need to get some sleep. Please. Lie down for me. Come on. It'll be okay.
(he curls up and seems to rest)
written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at: