Ethan to Buffy: I've voted you into the Eyghon club
from The Dark Age (Season 2)
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Ethan: Wakey, wakey. You're missing all the fun.

BUFFY: What fun?

Ethan: Your initiation.

BUFFY: You know what? I'm not real interested in joining your club.

Ethan: Too late. I already voted you in. Y'know, I hope you're not taking this personally, Buffy. I actually kinda like you. It's ju, it's just that I like myself a whole lot more. If you think of it karmically, this is, this is really big for your soul. You know, taking my place with the demon, giving so that others may live.

BUFFY: I'm gonna kill you. Will that blow the whole karma thing?

Ethan: Sweet child. Now, this may sting a little just at first. But don't worry, that'll go away once the searing pain kicks in. You can go ahead and scream if you like.

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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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