Wesley: Why do people keep putting me in charge of things?
from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2)
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(The rebels are discussing what to do next.)

BARTOK: You still want to storm the castle gates.

SASHA: Yes! We have to show them!

BARTOK: We can't defeat them! They have the power, they have the wealth, we have no plan!

SASHA: I say we storm the gates!

WESLEY: If you do they'll cut you down. You can not wage a frontal attack against a stronger opponent. - This kind of battle can only be won through guerrilla warfare. (They all just look at him) By being sneaky! You create a diversion then you strike at several different points at once. While they are looking ahead, you come from behind.

SASHA: And kill their leader.


BARTOK: Silas, their head priest.

SASHA: It's a good plan.

BARTOK: I agree.

SASHA: (To Wesley) You shall lead us!

WESLEY: Wha... Me? No, no, no, I was just suggesting...

BARTOK: No, no, you fought well. The Covenant hates you. And you know the princess.

SASHA: And you have a *plan*.

BARTOK: Besides, our leader is dead.

SASHA: Hail to our new leader!

REBELS: (all together) Hail!

WESLEY: (aside to Gunn) Why do people keep putting me in charge of things?

GUNN: I have no idea.


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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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