Angel Investigations has been called:a bunch of proto-losers -- (by Cordelia in Episode: Spin The Bottle)a bunch of superheroes -- (by Fred's Dad (Roger) in Episode: Fredless)A demon-hunting, helpless-helping, dysfunctional family -- (by Fred in Episode: Unleashed)bunch of pantywaists -- (by Skip in Episode: Inside Out)cow-scum -- (by Demon Narwek in Episode: Over the Rainbow)crusaders against evil -- (by Fred in Episode: Conviction)good-n-plentys -- (by Lilah in Episode: Slouching Toward Bethlehem)little gang of supernatural detectives -- (by Darla in Episode: Offspring)one big happy Manson family -- (by Spike in Episode: Not Fade Away)our fearless vampire killers -- (by Lorne in Episode: Spin The Bottle)plucky little boatload of good -- (by Hamilton in Episode: Timebomb)Team Angel -- (by Gunn in Episode: Slouching Toward Bethlehem)Team Angel -- (by Faith in Episode: Salvage)those suckers at Angel, Inc -- (by Angelus in Episode: Salvage)those three plucky kids -- (by Lorne in Episode: Happy Anniversary)we manly men -- (by Wesley in Episode: Belonging) | |