You know you're a poser if…
1.) The colors in your wardrobe consist of black, black more black and the occasional gray.
2.) When someone mentions Dead Kennedys your reply is simply "Dead Who?"
3.) You don't go anywhere without wearing your spiked armbands.
4.) You consider Blink182 to be "hardcore"
5.) When going to a concert your hand automatically assumes the devil sign while bobbing your head.
6.) Socks are a fashion accessory for your arms
7.) You own a red, white and blue wristband
8.) Tattoos cover the majority of your arms.
9.) You named your dog Benji and your cat Joel.
10.) You think Sex Pistols is just a name for a kinky toy for the bedroom.
11.) When talking about your boyfriend you refer to him as a Skater.
12.) You are wearing a "Good Charlotte" t-shirt right now.
13.) You wear your cap slightly tilted to the side.
14.) You want to get a Mohawk but your mom wont let you.
15.) When you first saw Avril's video complicated for a month you couldn't be seen going anywhere without wearing a tie.
16.) The tie you wore was a clip on.
17.) You own a shirt that says "death to preps."
18.) You listen to mainstream punk music.
19.) Punk is the only type of music you listen too and everything else is considered as crap to you.
20.) People laugh and point at you wherever you go.
21.) You carry a skateboard around with you even though you don't know how to ride it.
22.) You think "Sonic Youth" is the name of a new video game involving a hedgehog.
23.) You have more than two piercing.
24.) You're constantly making Britney Spears jokes
25.) You are putting checkmarks on this list to make sure you are not a poser and putting a grade at the top.