Breaking up is hard to do

  After what was thought to be a rough breakup the 22-year-old man arrives home to find all his ex's stuff has been removed as requested and the apartment is spotless. Even the plants are watered. The key is left on the counter with a brief note along the lines of, "Oh, well, guess it wasn't mint to be. No hard feelings. Call me sometime." Relieved at the smooth change in his living arrangements the guy is hardly perturbed by the one thing out of place: The phone is slightly off the hook. When he picks it up there's some recorded voice on the other end jabbering away in a language he doesn't understand. Figuring this is another case of that politically correct multilingual thing he assumes he's probably hearing the "Your phone is off the hook" message is six different languages. He drops the receiver back in the cradle without another thought until his phone bill arrives with charges in excess of $1,500 for a weeklong continuous call to Tokyo's twenty-four-hour weather and traffic report!

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