A Trip to Asia

  In a restaurant somewhere in Asia a tourist couple come in for dinner along with their pet poodle. They’re a little wary because they are new to the country and they don’t speak the language. Unfortunately the restraints staff does not speak English. The couple does the best they can to ask for a table. Once they are seated they wonder what to do with their precious pet. Maybe the restaurant staff can take care of it while they eat. When the waitress comes by they struggle with Pidgin English and embarrassing gestures to ask if she could take care of the dog and perhaps feed it while their eating. It takes a moment but the waitress finally gets the idea and takes the pooch off their hands. Still feeling a bit ill at ease they try to relax and enjoy the unfamiliar settings they wait patiently and chat. But it seems like their order takes an awfully long time. Finally their dinner arrives steaming hot and smelling delicious. They dig right in, it’s pretty good even it it’s unfamiliar. They can’t quite figure out what they ordered but that doesn’t stop them from stuffing themselves. Finally the waitress approaches and they want to ask exactly what it is they ordered. But immediately it becomes crystal clear what they ordered when the waitress places the dog collar on the table with the bill.

© The Bronze
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