Be Careful What You Wish For
She woke up in bed. She turned to her left and saw a man, with bleach blonde hair. It was Spike. She knew it the instant she saw him. She thought to herself, What happened last night? She then remembered her wish, for Spike to love her and become her boyfriend. She thought, Oh my gosh. Thats what happened. She smiled to herself. Spikes mine now. Ha! In your face, Buffy! she thought outloud, quietly.
Spike stirred in his sleep and then woke up. He looked at the beautiful young woman laying beside him. He leaned over and brushed the hair from her face. He saw it was Dawn.
Um, hi. Dawn said with a nervous smile.
What the bloody hell are you doing in my bed, lil bit? Spike said, shocked.
Um, Spike, this is my bed. You and me are naked in my bed.
Spike shook his head in disbelief and then looked around the room. Finally saying, Youre right. This room is too bright and happy for me.
By this time, Dawn had stood up and gotten dressed. She pulled back her curtains a little too quickly and Spike got hit with a faceful of sunlight.
Bloody HELL! Spike screamed as he ducked under Dawns covers. Dawn looked at him and quickly shut the curtains. The curtains were a gift for her birthday last year. They were beautiful and flowing and lacy. Dawn loved them. Obviously Spike didnt.
Spike, you cant be here. Not naked. Not in my bed!! Dawn said, panicing.
Dont worry, lil bit.. Spike said, starting to relax. Buffy knows I am here. I walked you home last night. Remember?
Dawn smiled sweetly and climbed back into bed, in her pajamas. Next to him. She felt safe, like nothing could ever hurt her. At least not when she was with him.
Meanwhile, Buffy had already woken up and was at the Magic Box with Anya, Xander, Willow and Giles.
So, whatever happened with Spike and Dawn last night? They were getting pretty cuddly if you ask me. Xander said to Buffy, with a bit of concern in his voice.
Um..well Buffy said nervously. They ended up in bedtogetherthe two of them. In Dawns bed. They seemed very cozy this morning and I didnt want to wake them. Buffy said, with a slight frown.
Xander noticed the look on Buffys face but decided not to say anything. He didnt want to embarrass the poor girl. After Spikes attempted rapewell, we had all gotten past that, but now the Vampire was sleeping with the Slayers sister. Xander felt the anger well up inside of him.
I cant believe this crap!! Dawn deserves better than Spike! Xander screamed suddenly. Then realizing what he said, he covered his mouth with his hands and said, muffled, Im sorry.
Willow was quietly sitting at the table, not wanting to get involved. She thought that Spike and Dawn were kinda cute. Plus, they are kinda about the same age. Dawns some energy blob that is older than dirt and well, Spike is just old. So Willow tried to stay out of discussion concerning Buffy, Angel, Spike, Dawn, Anya, Xander or any relationships for that matter.
Buffy looked at Xander and said, Xander, thats just an opinion. They look very.cutetogether. Buffy broke down in tears and ran into the bathroom at the Magic Box. Buffy sat in there and cried and cried.
Back at the house, Spike was gushing over Dawn. Dawn, you are so beautiful. Dawn you are the best. Dawn you are so kind. Spike repeated over and over.
After the first few times, it was cute. But now its just annoying. Dawn thought to herself.
Spike got out of bed and got dressed. He looked at Dawn, saying, You know, Im going to have to stay here all day. He winked at Dawn.
Dawn rolled her eyes and thought, Oh great. Now I have to put up with him all day.
Dawn got out of bed and got dressed. She knew there was something wrong. He couldnt have fallen for her that much, that fast. She knew she had to do something. She quickly looked at Spike and said, I have to go to the Magic Box for a little while. Ill be back soon. Um, you can watch t.v. and all of that. Have fun. Dawn bolted out the front door.
As Dawn arrived at the Magic Box, she found a Buffy in tears. She didnt know why Buffy was crying and she didnt have time to find out. Dawn walked quickly past Buffy, past Xander and straight to Willow. Dawn slammed her hands on the table, saying, I need help. Spike, hes like totally in love with me and its not him. I know its not.
Willow looked at her, strangely and said to Buffy, Buffy, can I help her?
Buffy wiped her eyes, with the glimmer of hope that Spike didnt really love Dawn, and that it was just a spell, saying, Of course. Please. Help. Now.
Willow stood up and grabbed a handful of books. Laying them down on the table, she rattled off the list of spells she could do for Spike. Truth spells, Love spells, Anti-love spells, break a spell, blah blah blah
Dawn looked at Willow and said, Truth Spell.
Without missing a beat, Willow opened up her book and said, It will take me a few hours but I can get all the ingredients. Dawn, go home and keep Spike entertained. Buffy, come with me and help with the supplies. Xander and Anya and Gilesum, just sit there and do what you are doing. You guys are doing great. Willow enjoyed being in charge.
Dawn reluctantly walked back home and opened the door to find a flower from the vase and a note. She took the note and read, Im upstairs, cleaning. I will be done soon. Please sit down on the couch and watch T.V. She shrugged and couldnt argue with watching T.V. Dawn walked over to the couch and sat down. She picked up the remote and saw another note, it read, I love you, my sweet lil bit. Please have fun. Dawn turned on the t.v. started watching cartoons. All of a sudden, she heard a thud from upstairs. She ran upstairs to see what happened.
Dawn! Youre home! I missed you. Spike hugged Dawn tightly.
Air, please, now Dawn said to Spike. Spike let go. Thank you.
Dawn then looked at her bedroom and noticed it was spotlessly clean. She blinked and looked again. She then looked at Spike and said, You did this?
Spike had a proud look on his face and said, Anything for you, lil bit.
Dawn couldnt stand this anymore, she was about to burst but she kept her cool and told Spike, Well, why dont you keep cleaning and Ill just be downstairs. Ok?
Ok. Spike said with a smile.
Dawn ran downstairs and sat on the couch, and resumed the cartoon.
Willow and Buffy had gotten all the ingredients and everything was ready. Buffy called Dawn at home, to tell her they were ready.
Hello? Dawn said, desperately.
Its me, Dawn. Buffy, were ready. Bring him soon. Buffy hung up the phone.
Dawn put down the phone, a little annoyed that Buffy didnt talk much. She then shrugged and ran upstairs.
Spike, we need to go to the Magic Box. Now. She said, trying to hurry him.
Alright Alright, pet. No need to rush things. He said sweetly.
Spike and Dawn entered the Magic Box, almost at the same time, but Spike pushed him in front of her the second they hit the door. In that second, Buffy and Willow threw their magick mixture on Spike and said, Truth be told, from now on.
Spike gasped at the mixture. It smelled. He then wiped the stuff off his jacket and said, Bloody hellwhat was that for? He then looked around and saw the faces of everyone in the Magic Box. Did I miss something? Did somebody die? He then laughed at his own joke, because he was already dead.
Buffy then looked Spike, straight in the face and said, Do you love Dawn?
Spike looked at Buffy, laughed a little and said, Yes I do.
Buffys eyes started to tear up and then she screamed, Its not working! Its not working! MAKE IT WORK!! She then ran to the backroom and cried, again.
Spike looked at Willow, with a questioning look.
Willow looked back at Spike, intently. As if she were studying his whole body. Do you like Xander? she asked, knowing the answer was no.
HA! Nancy boy? I hate him. Hes a bloody Nancy. Spike said, almost laughing at the stupidity of the question.
Willow gasped and ran back in the backroom to Buffy. Buffy, hes telling the truth. He really does love Dawn. Buffy cried, saying quietly, I knowThats what makes it so hard. He really does love her.
Willow sat with Buffy as she cried.
Finally, after a couple of minutes, Buffy came out of the backroom, her eyes red and puffy. She walked up to Dawn and said, Be careful. She then walked over to Spike, saying, You better be good to her. Otherwise, well, you know what Ill do. I dont have to warn you.
Spike laughed and gave Buffy a hug, saying, Buffy, I still love you but Im not in love with you.
Buffy said, I know. She thought to herself, Such a classic line. Ive heard that one before.
Buffy let go of Spike, feeling as though she was letting go of her whole world. Spike then walked over to Dawn, saying, Dawn, I love you. I have always loved you. Please will you be my girlfriend.
Dawn laughed at the thought of those words coming out of Spikes mouth and said, Yes.
It was quite a beautiful moment, indeed. It was also in that moment, that Spike respected Xander and Xander respected Spike. They had an unspoken bond because they knew what it was like to truly love a woman.
Spike and Dawn kissed