Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of Btvs or Ats , they belong to Joss Whedon etc ..., so please don't sue
Spoilers: the gift
Character: Dawns POV
Summary: Dawn reflects on Buffy's death
Authors note: Ok, this is my very first fanfic ever, so please bear with me.
This idea just popped up in my head and I thought, what the heck, there's a first time for everything.
Missing You
By moonchild
It's been six months now. But everyday I wake up, I still expect to see you coming through my door, yelling that I'm gonna be late for school.
And in those few moments between being fully awake and slumber, I feel so warm and safe. But in the seconds it takes me to realize my mistake and to remember that you're not gonna run through my door, my little dreamworld shatters and I fall to pieces.
And I cry, everytime. First, silent tears rolling down my cheeks, then loud and painful sobs.
Really, I didn't know that so much tears could be shed by one single person. I think you could fill an ocean with all the tears that I've cried for you.
Every little drop of silver is for you, I hope you see them shining from where ever you are .
And I cry and I cry until someone comes up the stairs, into my room and takes me into his or her arms. Today, it's Willow and now we're both crying and hanging on to one another
How I wish it was me and not you in the cold darkness, lying under that headstone . God, Buffy, why didn't you let me jump? It should've been me .
We all miss you so much! We don't all let it show, but we do, we really do. I can see it in Willows eyes when we talk about you. I can tell from Xanders bowed head or from Giles' glass of whisky on the table. And Spike became even nicer than he was before . He takes real good care of me now. He feels he has to protect me, he feels so guilty for not being able to save me, to save you.
Lots of people came to Sunnydale to visit your grave: Riley came, he was shocked, but he didn't stay long. Faith got out of jail and found her way back to the hellmouth. She's totally one of the good guys now. She was pretty shaken up by your death, it was the first time I ever saw her cry.
And of course Angel came and he brought Cordelia and Wesley with him. They stayed here for a couple of days before heading back to LA. Angel was a big support for me, we would talk about you for hours and I will never forget the love and sadness in his eyes during those talks. And we would cry together, and he would hold me, rocking me in his arms.
He really suffers, Buffy, but he keeps on fighting the good fight 'cause he knows that's what you would've wanted.
Cordelia was also very sweet to me, and although she didn't let it show when you were alive, she really cared about you. I know that because I was with her when she broke down in front of your grave .
Wesley, always the watcher didn't show any big emotions, but I saw him blink back a few tears when he put flowers on your headstone.
You see, Buffy, you 've touched so many people in your short life. And every single one of us will always remember that loving girl that sacrificed herself for the world and all those she loved.
When I have children one day I will tell them about their brave auntie Buffy who saved the world a lot. You may be dead, but I will keep you alive in my heart, always, until the day I join you.