Welcome to The Buffy Files

Welcome back! This site was previously called All About BtVS in it's first year on the web, but it's had a makeover and it's back with a brand spanking (oh yes we've enjoyed spanking) new design and some fresh new content.

Please browse around the site and leave any comments, constructive or praise, in the guestbook. Enjoy!

30.9.03 One new button added for other sites to link here with.
14.9.03 Episode checklist added. I printed it off and used it myself, it's useful if you're like me and have no cash so you're forced to tape random episodes.
12.8.03 Hello! It feels nice to be back...but the holiday in France did me lots of good =). I've added a new page with many sound and video clips on (all hosted on angelfire though =(. )
05.07.03 I added my first affiliate *yay!* and one award winner. Still looking for a host! Also one new link has been added.
01.07.03 I added a new fanfiction by Nancy and updated the form where you apply for an award (thank you Cheryl). There is also one new guestbook entry *yay!*. I also added one new link and a new poll. Go vote everybody! I also added buffy ecards for you to send.
22.06.03 Applied for hosting at
notlikeyou.com *crosses fingers*
15.06.03+ Looking for a host
14.06.03 This site re-opens 1