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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Penname: pj [Contact] Real name: pj
Member Since: 02/09/2005
Membership status: Member
I'm a college student - originally loved the show, but stopped watching season 4 and then came back season 5. Loved Spike and came to love the whole series and understand it better beyond the obvious popularity of the first 3 seasons. I guess it's important to mention that the Spike and Buffy relationship was the thing that helped hook me back in ;) Color me convinced that Spike and Buffy are meant to be! I've been a fic reader since 2002 or 2003, and I'm a new writer as of Jan 2005. I love reviews - they are what keep me writing, so leave them!

Feel free to email me, or friend me on Livejournal - don't be shy!

If you want to be emailed whenever I update my WIP called "Playing on the Dark Side," just email me at spuffyangst@yahoo.com with the subject heading "PotDS Update List."
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Reviews by pj

Summary: Buffy and Spike were the most infamous and popular couple at Sunnydale High until temptation struck and changed their lives completely. After events and realizations occur, they try to patch up their differences and find that maybe change isn't always good. Do first loves deserve a second chance?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 54757
Published: 02/12/2005 Updated: 03/13/2005
Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/02/2005 Title: Chapter 20: Happy Anniversary

Finally Angelus showed his true colors (again) to Buffy. Now Spike can kick his ass! I'm glad that you guys added his hint of remorse because I think that makes it more human-like. I can't wait for the inevitable talk - keep up the great work!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/03/2005 Title: Chapter 21: Love’s Bitch

lol, I pondered forgiving Spike, and then I remembered that it HAS been a year, so maybe it is ok to forgive him, lol. More ass kissing is still cute to read though ;) I'm glad that Angelus got what he deserved, and I'm wondering if he'll cause more trouble...what a jerk for saying Dru was better! Good work guys!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/04/2005 Title: Chapter 22: Love Is Forever

Ok I'm very glad that they're still having issues about this because it makes it all the better and justified in the end. I am not glad that it seems like Spike still has feelings for Dru, even if they are weaker than his ones for Buffy - just reinforces the fact the he did dump Buffy for Dru and it was because he liked Dru. To that I say, I go back on my decision to let Spike off the hook, lol. I wonder how they'll finally get together...Good job guys!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/05/2005 Title: Chapter 23: Return of the Pig

That big oaf just can't NOT be crazy and possessive huh? Arggg. I hope in the end he gets a severe punishment! Very nice how you had Spike give Mr. Gordo back - don't know why he would let her think he gave it to Dru for over a year! Great chapter - can't wait for more!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/06/2005 Title: Chapter 24: Confessions of a Kleptomaniac

Gah! Dru, that crazy bitch! Lol, good way to spice things up. Smooth sailing is always a precursor to one of those idiots messing it up. I really liked the gifts they gave each other, and especially the 'audience' they have for looking like they're together. Can't wait to see what Dru and Angelus try to do!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/07/2005 Title: Chapter 25: Sincere Promises

wait, does that mean they are back together? or are they just admitting their true feelings? Blah, Angelus has become like a big flashing red sign with ABUSE written all over it! I hope it doesn't turn out too violent :( Can't wait for moreeeee

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/08/2005 Title: Chapter 26: Angelus, the College Boy?

oh! you two teases! I liked the whole thing where Buffy kept shutting herself off everytime they got serious - shows more of a realistic issue with trust after what Spike AND Angelus did to her. Good job, as usual!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/10/2005 Title: Chapter 28: Throwing Punches

*satisfied look* Punching was definitely in order! I'm so glad she finally showed her strength and gave Angel a piece of her mind! Although, I don't know if you guys are done with him so that makes me a little hesitant to speak too soon...Good job, cant wait for more!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/11/2005 Title: Chapter 29: One Last Dance

I almost want to write a cliffhanger just to get back at you guys! I loved how this chapter went - I read all of both your fics before I went to class. What a good way to start the day! :)

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/12/2005 Title: Chapter 30: It’s Been Too Long

I was not expecting the whole Dru revelation! Niiice :) This was a very cute chapter and it makes me sad it's almost over :( You guys have done a great job!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/13/2005 Title: Chapter 31: Once, Twice…That’s Enough

*beams* You guys did a fantastic job! I really really loved how you did the slow progression of forgiving him, though I already said that a dozen times. I was sad to see it end, but some things are better left to the imagination. Very cute way to work in your story title :) You guys totally deserved all props you got for this fic! Now I know you have a reservoir of fics in there *prods* can we see??

Toothbrush by Jennice Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 58]
Summary: Will and Buffy have been friends for 8 yrs and friends with benefits for 8 months. What happens when Will decides to change their arrangement?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 7132
Published: 02/14/2005 Updated: 04/18/2005
Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/19/2005 Title: Chapter 2: Home Remedies

You have me hooked! I was basking in the glory of the first long chapter and then you ended the second chapter right here and I let out a frustrated mental yell, lol. It's a good thing ;) I normally don't like POV's much because a lot of them aren't done well, but you did a fantastic job and I am very intrigued and wanting to kick Harmony along with Buffy. Sigh. Please update - i'd say soon but you just did and I know you must have a life - as long as you don't abandon the story I'll be happy!

Author's Response: Trust me there is no way I can abandon this story. The characters won't let me. I have the ending written, the characters are just telling me what happened before the ending. :o)

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/16/2005 Title: Chapter 3: Bumpy Rides

I thought the whole phone message was entertaining, and I really like that WIll is stubborn, yet fighting for Buffy. I hope he keeps doing that :) And maybe Buffy should clear her whore-ish name, lol. Good update, but it was evil because I want more! Hope your play goes well ;)

Reckless Surrender by Ashlee Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 566]
Summary: Buffy Summers never had the most interesting life. As a waitress in a club, her world is turned upside down one night when Spike Thornton, one of the most famous singers in the world, propositions her. He was the last thing she needed. She was the last thing he expected.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 29710
Published: 02/19/2005 Updated: 03/21/2005
Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/19/2005 Title: Chapter 1: Unattainable

I don't think you should be hesitant. Whatever you do turns out to be super interesting and c'mon, look at what you've pulled off so far - a story about jockeys? that was great! lol. I know that the plot seems a little common and overdone, but I know you can give it your own twist and make it happen. Plus, you already reached a level of 20+ reviews for any chapter you write, so what's to worry about? People love you :) I encourage you to keep going and also to expand your skills even more by make it angsty + spuffy. Your 'whispers' fic was a huge step in getting in that element of gradual development. Keep up the great work! Leave the nervous worrying over fic writing to me ;)

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/21/2005 Title: Chapter 2: Rough Ride

lol, I didn't think it was a filler! Congrats on the review power! Only you, haha. I'm like so close to jocking your credits at the bottom idea...Anyway, I really liked how Buffy was not standing for his act and molestation - tough Buffy is always good. Then it got even better when Spike stopped being his rock star persona! I see great heights for this one ;) Keep it up!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/22/2005 Title: Chapter 3: Unexpected Surprises

you're evil! Are you trying to make me go back and read everything over?? lol. Well done, now please please hurry with the next chapter. Look at all your lovely reviews - don't they just make you want to post sooner? lol.

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/23/2005 Title: Chapter 4: Memories

Hm...Three years ago...So basically Spike wants Buffy now because she's hard to get? He has some explaining to do! I'm not sure Buffy would be so forgiving, but I'll wait and see what you have planned. Spike's tender side seems out of the blue and not in sync with his rock star womanizing persona, so I hope there's more angst to come :) please? lol.

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/25/2005 Title: Chapter 5: What if...

Ohhh I hope you have Spike explain more about how he remembers her! Nice chapter and sooo sorry for the short review but I gotta go work on an update! lol.

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/27/2005 Title: Chapter 6: Non-Negotiable

drugs! lol livens up the mix doesn't it? Good idea! Even though it's very typical for a rock star, I haven't many fics with Spike on drugs, so I'm very interested to see how this goes. Great way to bring in the angst! :)

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 02/28/2005 Title: Chapter 7: Needing You

yea for angsty confrontation! lol. You know I love it :) I'll be waiting for the next update!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/02/2005 Title: Chapter 8: Obstacles

Ohh! Entering the fans was a good idea! I'm liking all the obstacles you're putting up and the fact that he didn't just promise he would never do drugs again. More realistic - good job!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/04/2005 Title: Chapter 9: Helping Hand

Why do I have a feeling I will throw something at Spike in the near future? But since you commented that Buffy is very naive, I'll be quiet for now. Ok I lied, lol. I think it seems like Spike said that to get into her pants. How sad! I'm awaiting the next update! Keep up the good work :)

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/07/2005 Title: Chapter 10: Exceptions to the Rule

Why do I think not? lol. Because I know you are angsty, I bet Spike disappoints first, and I can't wait to see how Buffy deals with it :) He seems to just be infatuated with her and her feelings seem like they are more genuine, so this will make for more interesting angst :D Keep it up!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/09/2005 Title: Chapter 12: Shattered Image/Tell Him...

You're welcome! I like your final touches and I think it just had to be done. People should understand, and if they don't like it, they don't have to read :) Must run to finish paper! Talk to you later!

Reviewer: pj Signed
Date: 03/11/2005 Title: Chapter 13: Where Do We Go From Here?

Perfect :) I knew Basketball Diaries was good for something! Also loved the use of the show in the beginning. Is it cheating if I review? lol