Penname: dampersandspoons [
Real name: Beth
Member Since: 04/12/2008
Membership status: Member
I started writing fan fic in February of 2008 and I'm addicted to it now!
I usually post at
Elysian Fields, so check out my other stories there if I haven't posted them here.
If you need to contact me personally, you may do so at this address: dampersandspoons@gmail[dot]com
Beta-reader: 0
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Summary: Some summer fun to cure winter blues. After Buffy suffered a nasty knee injury on the job, her friends think it would be nice to pay for her to take a little vacation. The problem is, all of her friends are too busy to go with her, except Spike. But what would a vampire do in sunny Maui for two weeks? Heat things up, what else.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 29
Completed: Yes
Word count: 84250
Published: 03/20/2005 Updated: 04/16/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/08/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Welcome to paradise
Excellent first chapter! *goes to read more*
Summary: Spike would never take advantage of an ever-so-slightly sloshed Buffy and a perfectly innocent dare, now would he? Just what kind of evil, nasty, blood-sucking vampire do you think he is? ...oh, right, never mind then.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 7069
Published: 10/17/2005 Updated: 10/17/2005
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/23/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Taking Advantage
oh my god...this was amazing. Can I have your children, please?
Summary: Pissed that Drusilla dragged him back to the Hellmouth, Spike has to find SOME way to amuse himself. Pretending to have a soul, he decides to sweep the Slayer off her feet before going in for the kill. Trouble is, feelings (and grandsires) always get in the way.
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 25
Completed: No
Word count: 67877
Published: 01/11/2006 Updated: 08/08/2010
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 06/12/2008
Title: Chapter 18: 18
So, I'm a big stinking cheater and was reading this over at EF and saw that *gasp* you had MORE CHAPTERS over here, so I had to come on over and read them, suck them up like a milkshake and swallow them down. Good lord, I love this damn story. Now I must continue reading!!!
Summary: In "Get it Done" Buffy entered a portal to get information. Now, when she leaves it, she finds everything has changed; including her friends, her family and her world.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Action Warnings: Violence,
Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 59
Completed: No
Word count: 124526
Published: 05/08/2006 Updated: 09/14/2010
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/05/2008
Title: Chapter 8: Flying Cars
Oh, this is heartbreaking so far! Your ability to capture her shock and pain from all these new realizations is done very well. I'm getting choked up with Spike's past without her. So good! Ok, going to read more.
Summary: Once in a galaxy, far, far...oh, that’s been done. Right then. Humankind has been at war with the Aurelians for decades. When the two sides finally reach the point where negotiation is better than annihilation, a truce is called and a treaty negotiated on the planet currently under dispute. The peace treaty is cemented symbolically by the joining in marriage of the two youngest soldiers present, thereby throwing Buffy and Spike into a relationship that they really, really, don’t want.
Although not a traditional Vampire versus Slayer scenario, it is close enough to be familiar.
Categories: Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Action Warnings: Violence,
Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 20
Completed: No
Word count: 61133
Published: 01/13/2008 Updated: 06/14/2010
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 06/10/2008
Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8
I just found this yesterday and was SWEPT AWAY with your writing. You've incorporated so many of my favorite elements into this story and it's simply gorgeous. I can feel the surroundings as if I were there, every detail is so beautifully illustrated and your characterizations are believable, no doubt a daunting task in this genre. Well done! I look forward to more from you.
Author's Response: Well that makes two of us as I love your fic too. Thank you I shall cherish your review and hug it at regular intervals.
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 08/07/2008
Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9
I gave a little fan-girl scream when I saw you updated this! And oh, how the plot she thickens! I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for updating!!
Author's Response: Matched my little happy dance when i saw your review then. Working hard now - promise.
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 06/23/2009
Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17
As she arched her back before him like the figurehead on a ship’s prow, he bowed down his head to drive the waves against her once more. Gorgeous imagery right there.
And Faythe, bless her for bringing some foresight into the story! Oh yes, Buffy, you just might regret taking so long to give him a chance if you lose him, especially with the spooky prophecy in the works. I assume spooky, because you cliff-hangered it like some kind of evil temptress.
And Yay! Andrew and Anya!
Author's Response: I've never been called an evil temptress before. I like it! For someone who had never read romance novels until recently (for research purposes only of course) I seem to be making up for lost time, so I'm pleased you liked the ships prow stuff. At least it wasn't a train and a tunnel (smirks).

You know what it means... whatever can go wrong,
will go wrong. ‘Murphy’s Law’ comes into play from the moment our two favorite blonds meet despite any initial attraction to one another. What’s the result when a womanizing genius and a prudish workaholic are forced together in every way with no choice but to deal with each other 24/7? Tons of UST! Will it ever get resolved, or will they kill each other first? .... “Tell me somethin’, pet. Wha’s the real reason for your knickers bein’ in a twist aside from the possibility you put your plug in sideways?” …. “The fact you’re still breathing is number one on a very long list of reasons and oh-my-God... crude much?” Romance, comedy and mild angst.
Awards won, readers&judges choice: best author at Spark and Burn. Indigo Crypt – best author-runner up and Chosen Awards judges choice. Cradle of humanity: Winner - best wip, runner up – happy workers award. Nominated at Spark and burn for best wip/best fantasy - at Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards round 5 for best Spike fic and best Buffy fic - at Spuffy Awards round 15 for Best Buffy Characterization, best fanatasy angst and outstanding fanatasy fic and at Cradle of Humanity Awards for best story and best romance .
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 28
Completed: No
Word count: 145086
Published: 01/29/2008 Updated: 08/31/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/03/2008
Title: Chapter 16: Plans within Plans
What a fantastic chapter! I have a question, one I could easily answer myself should I re-read, but I'll just ask you instead. Did you not mention something in this story between Angel and Spike concerning a bet? Am I imagining this? That they bet 'who would get her first'? And if so...I can only see bad things coming from that. ANYWAY...I can't wait for their Blood Ties marathon as well as Buffy's realization of how she acted the night before. God, I love the pacing of this story! Please more!!!! *hugs the shizznit out of you*
Author's Response: Nope, SPike never agreed to the bet, but he got cut of by the unexpected entrance of a colleague of Angel's - so he didn't have the chance to tell him he wasn't agreeing to any bet. He thinks way too much of Buffy for that. But it will come out later, trust me. I'm so glad you liked the update hon - snuggles you close and thank you for the review.
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 06/14/2008
Title: Chapter 21: Almost
Tina!!! I'm so glad to see this story posted, though my heart goes out to you for your recent loss. I hope things your father's health improves and that you're coping well. You're spoiling us with a chapter, I know I'd have shut myself off from the world with a bucket of ice cream at this point and cursing at the computer. Hope you're doing well and I'm hugging the crap out of you right now.
Author's Response: THanks honey, I do hope its a good sign that my dad's operation is being delayed, and at least my mil is at peace now. Hugs the crap out of you right back, luv ya babe.
Summary: One slight mistake in a spell intended to re-soul Angelus lands Buffy in an alternate universe where no one is who they should be, and nothing makes sense. She’s desperate to return to her home, but when she starts to fall for her new Watcher, William Pratt, she begins to wonder where she really belongs. AU after the events of Innocence.
Winner at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards for Best Episode Rewrite. Currently nominated at the Spuffy Awards for Best General Saga and Best Buffy Characterization.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Angst Warnings: Violence,
Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 22
Completed: No
Word count: 46620
Published: 02/14/2008 Updated: 08/21/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 07/03/2008
Title: Chapter 20: If You Want
Man, I'd be going crazy if I were Buffy. Which Spike to choose? Evil Spike...sweet William... Oh, who am I kidding? It isn't Sophie's Choice here, just pick one and move on, hahaha! Like any of us should be so lucky to have to make that decision. *sighs* Lovin' it, as usual. More please?
Author's Response: Seriously, Buffy should be damn grateful I've given her the choice! Heh. Can't say either would be the wrong decision. Glad you're lovin', more soon!

After the death of her mother, Elizabeth Summers is forced to leave her home in Bermuda to live with her aunt and uncle in the strict Puritan colony of Connecticut. She soon finds that she's not the only stranger in town. Spuffy eventually. Past life AU. More details in author's notes.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Character Death,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 29
Completed: Yes
Word count: 103817
Published: 02/19/2008 Updated: 05/20/2015
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 07/19/2008
Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21
I knew it! I just knew Nathan was behind that guardian! *clenches fists* Such a heartbreaking chapter and I'm so sad for Elizabeth. What a difficult choice for her to make, I only hope it doesn't come back to torture her more than she's already endured. Lovely ending with the blood, however bitter sweet it may have been. It was a nice nod to who they are and the bond they share. Still enjoying the hell out of this! And now I have to sleep before I pass out. It is well past my bed time! Look what you did to me, haha!
Author's Response: haha yep--evil Reverend all along! I'm glad you enjoyed the bonding scene. Also flattered to hear that you lost some sleep lol. Thank you so much for reviewing! It really is a pleasure to hear from you : )
Summary: Buffy is a precocious ballerina vying for a spot in the Royal Ballet Company. Spike is a punk/rock bad boy with talents of his own. What happens when their paths cross? All-human AU.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No
Word count: 3131
Published: 03/15/2008 Updated: 03/15/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 08/07/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1
So, I just read this AGAIN in the hopes that another chapter would magically appear, hahaha! You HAVE to continue this at some point. I'm sure your historical piece is taking up a lot of time, but the premise of this one is just too good to let go! I thought I'd try pumping you up a bit to see if that might inspire you to write.
Or, ooh! What about a cheese plate? Back rubs? Free beer? I offer you these things on this day of worship. May my sacrifice be met with bounteous chapters, oh Pants of Annie.
Author's Response: Ha I'm seriously holding you to that free beer. You can't just promise it and not deliver : ) So glad to hear you're interested in the story! The deal with it is this: 1.) I totally suck at writing more than one story at once (for which I bow to your genius) and 2.) The drafts of this story are on my old dead computer and I haven't gotten around to rummaging for them. I really hope to continue, but on the off chance that I can't, I might consider giving the story up for adoption.'ll be finished one way or another. The pep is much appreciated!
Summary: The day of her wedding, Buffy Summers realizes she’s making the mistake of her life, and flees on the back of the motorcycle of one of the catering waiters. Spike Pratt is hell-bent on leaving town the next day, then the impulsive decision to rescue Buffy from her fate throws his plans into a tailspin. For just one night they come together with no expectations, but with the harsh light of day comes the realization that sometimes life is what happens when you're making other plans.
Nominated at the Spuffy Awards for Best Fantasy Romance and Best Fluff. Nominated at Spark and Burn Awards for Best WIP and Best Fantasy. Nominated at the Cradle of Humanity Awards for Best Story.

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 15
Completed: No
Word count: 43715
Published: 03/20/2008 Updated: 10/08/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/29/2008
Title: Chapter 1: “Want to get out of here?”
*dies* Call me a sap, but that's just about the most romantic damn thing I've ever read. Can't wait to see what you've done with this story!!
Author's Response: Aww what a compliment! Didn't mean to kill you, of course, but dying because of romance...what a way to go!
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/29/2008
Title: Chapter 7: "Do you think you would have been happy?”
Fabulous! Fabulous! Oh man, I was actually pissed that I had to stop reading so that I could watch the season finale of LOST. But you can bet I was back on my computer as soon as the credits rolled! I just love this and I hope you don't make us wait too long for the next chapter. I'm really enjoying your writing style and it definitely has its own unique stamp, so bravo! It gets tiring reading the same phrases and the same scenarios all the time. This is really something special, funny, touching, charming, heart breaking and hopeful. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Oh, wow, I have friends who are obsessed with LOST, and I'm not sure anything could drag them away, so it's quite nice to hear my story ALMOST did. :) I definitely won't make you all wait too long for the next chapter, hope it makes you happy. Thanks so much for the compliments, hearing from a writer like you that you enjoy my writing style is quite an ego boos, I have to say!
Author's Response: Whoops, meant "boost"!
Summary: Once, William Pratt was a quiet poet, madly in love with his wife, Drusilla. Now, Spike is a loner, hunting in the night for the monster who took her away. He is focused on vengeance, making no room for anything else in his life – until his plan to get his revenge takes a turn he never could have predicted.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Angst Warnings: Violence,
Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 21
Completed: Yes
Word count: 47681
Published: 03/22/2008 Updated: 05/19/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/19/2008
Title: Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-One
This was wonderful, Addie! From enemies, to lovers to equals...simply fantastic. And with a dusty ending, to boot! Well done!
Summary: "hey listen up you wankers---you can listen to this tale and learn something or you can turn your tweedy noses up in the air because the story mentions using a bit of the old maryjane... you can learn some about vamps and slayer history, and something about lies your elders told ya...and how the best slayer there ever was found her power and her way, as well as a little of her own history"
What happens when Buffy goes to a party and tries smoking pot? How will she react to it and how will it affect her slayer senses? And what will Spike say when he finds the stoned Slayer?
Set in an alternative season 5 universe where Riley left but Joyce is alive and kicking and there is no Glory.
*warning: recreational drug usage*
Nominated for Insiders' Tip at the Cradle of Humanity Awards round 2! Thank you very much! :)
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Parody Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 15972
Published: 04/18/2008 Updated: 11/16/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/06/2008
Title: Chapter 3: Experimenting
Very interesting...I shall have to read more. Also, "He crabbed the crotch of my panties" PLEASE FIX THAT! It makes me think of a venereal disease. haha
Author's Response: hey, corrected the typo. thnx for the review.
Summary: “I was once a bad ass vampire, but love…and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I’m just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth.” Okay…actually that had nothing to do with the plot, but I love that quote. Anyway…think post-Chosen and a little blonde Slayer ready to get back what’s hers – at any cost. Spells, time travel, and a whole lot of fluffy goodness!
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Angst Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 9
Completed: No
Word count: 33315
Published: 04/28/2008 Updated: 07/21/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/27/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
Fantastic start! I'm off to read more with a big grin on my face!
Author's Response: Yeah! I hope the grin stays throughout!! Thanks for reading.
Summary: I know you'll never love me. I know I'm a monster. But you treat me like a man, and that's...
What if Buffy did treat Spike like a man? My response to a challenge posted on my livejournal. (One-shot.)
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3428
Published: 05/10/2008 Updated: 05/10/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/10/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Until the End of the World
This was simply fantastic. Very well done, beautiful, sad, and honest.
Author's Response: How lovely of you to say. That was just what I was going for, so it's great to know that I succeeded. :-D

William knew that she considered him a friend or maybe even a big brother, but she'd promised to marry him once and he had every intention of holding her to it. Just as soon as he worked up the nerve to remind her, that is. Who says you can't find your soul-mate in preschool?
Nominated at the Sunny D Awards and at Cradle of Humanity! Thank You.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 25
Completed: Yes
Word count: 54587
Published: 05/10/2008 Updated: 10/20/2009
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 08/28/2008
Title: Chapter 14: Fourteen
I'm so loving where you're taking us! This is highly entertaining and I feel underlying angst but it's so mild that I almost missed it. If you plan on something major, I'll love that, too. After all, I'm a total slut for angst.
And...if you're still looking for a beta, send me an email.
Summary: Pre-'Becoming', Buffy and Spike duke it out in a ghost town saloon. Throw in a lasso, a mechanical bull, an acid-spewing sewer beast, top-shelf whiskey and a Journey song, and the sex just writes itself...
"Get a load of you, all slay-kittenish, taking on a pubful of nasties in your Friday night best. Hunting for new bedmates, are we? So soon after the last?"
She pursed her lips and squeezed her stake, fingers itching to wipe that smirk off his face. "I asked you first."
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance,
Action Warnings: Violence,
Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 9
Completed: Yes
Word count: 21535
Published: 05/11/2008 Updated: 11/30/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/11/2008
Title: Chapter 1: On and On
First of all, you used Journey in a fic. Second of all, this was hilarious. Third of all, I dub you Gorgeous Von Geniusstein for this awesome story. I'm so in.
Author's Response: Gorgeous Von Geniusstein? I like it. Thanks Dampers!
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/19/2008
Title: Chapter 4: Find Emotion
*Whoops and hollers* You, sir, have bewitched me with your fine wordsmithing. And I TOTALLY see the Clara Bow similarities. If I could make a ribbon that had a big fat #1 on it and silk-screen your name in gold on it, I totally would. But instead of going through all of that, I could just buy one and get you a card. Does that work? Would you be offended if it said "Hillcrest Elementary Spelling Bee" on it?
Author's Response: I would be offended if it DIDN'T say "Hillcrest Elementary Spelling Bee" on it. *smooches you hard*
Categories: Orphan Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 0 Completed: No
Word count: 0
Published: 12/31/1969 Updated: 12/31/1969
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 05/30/2008
Title: None
Interesting start! I'll be glad to see chapter 2.
Author's Response: Thanks hun! Chapter 2 coming soon! Really glad you liked the start! xx
Summary: There are Twinlets, there's Latex, and there's priest!kink. I'm headed straight for Special Hell.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Parody Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations,
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1143
Published: 06/03/2008 Updated: 06/03/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 06/03/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Twinlets, Latex, and Priests
Author's Response: Eloquent. Special Hell cookie?
Summary: Buffy has dreamed of her married boss for months, and finally decides to do something about it. Lucky for her, she's not the only one who's been having fantasies. Written for the taboo_spuffy community mini challenge on LiveJournal.
Nominated at the Cradle of Humanity Awards for Best One-Shot.
Categories: Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 5694
Published: 07/28/2008 Updated: 07/28/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 07/29/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Power Play
Oh, dear GOD I love this challenge. So many good ones coming about, this one DEFINITELY included. So good, so hot! You've created one fantastic story, m'dear! Loved it.
Author's Response: Such a fantastic challenge! So much fun to play in the corporate sandbox. Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it!
Summary: Spike has a firm ‘personal’ policy concerning inter-office romance: absolutely no fraternization. When another man suddenly invites his assistant out in front of him, he has to make a decision, though. Keep playing it safe and possibly lose the best thing that could have ever happened to him in the process... or let go, break his own rule and going after what he truly wants.
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3687
Published: 08/05/2008 Updated: 08/05/2008
Reviewer: dampersandspoons Signed
Date: 08/06/2008
Title: Chapter 1: Let Go (One-shot)
Yay for your muse making you slave and write awesome smut for us to read!!!
This was HOT with a capital HOT. Well done, Mari!
Author's Response: Awww, thank you, darling! I'm so happy you thought it was HOT! *bounces* And I'm still in awe that I managed to write a one-shot, I was so sure I'd never write one of those. Guess muse proved me wrong. ;) *smooches*