Reviewer: Sarah Aless Signed
Date: 10/16/2006
Title: Chapter 18: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Well check me out.........soooo late to the party. I just read this all in a one-r and Wheeew!!
I always know I'm enjoying a fic when I stop to note things down that I want to mention in a review. However THIS was so good that it didn't even cross my mind until I was on the most recent chapter!! BAD ME!!
This story is magnificently well written, the characterisations are spot on and I LOVE Lorne (both in Angel and here, because you have him down so damn well!). I literally could not stop reading so I apologise for not leaving reviews for each chapter but that would have kept me away from the reading for waayy too long!!
As for the last chapter it was beautiful. I'm not a romantic at all and excessive mush makes me want to heave but you wrote this chapter masterfully. At no point did I find it sickeningly sweet. It brought out the WELL hidden romantic in me. It was just so perfect that I'm having a real hard time putting my finger on exactly what you did that swept me away with it. The important thing is that you did manage to sweep me and it was great. My internet time is so limited these days that I don't read nearly as much as I should but I can guarantee that time to read future chapters of this will definitely be included in my online time.
I just don't seem to be able to describe how much I have loved reading this (sheesh and I call myself a writer?!?). Please accept my incoherent babbling as both thanks and praise for the story so far; and also as unashamed begging for more!
P.S. Not trying to shape what you write at all but I would LOVE it if they managed to actually get through the police role play at a different time. So damn hot but I know you had to move the plot along.
Author's Response: WOW!!! First, words can't express how absolutely in awe to receive not only such a flattering and lovely review, but from another author whose work I adore - sighsssssssss, one of my fav's is Illicit Interrogation (no wonder you'd like to see some police 'brutality' - you naughty minx you *giggles*). I soooooooo love that story. I'm so thrilled you like the characters, especially Lorne, he's fun to write. Yeah, I must admit, I'm not one for the tooth decaying type chapters either, but my muse insisted I try to do it with a more.... 'romantic' type flair I suppose. So I'm glad you didn't heave. When you do find out exactly what swept you away about it, lemme know so I can make a mental note... that way when the muse itches to do it again, I'll know his secret, lol. Man I'm so thrilled to have you aboard this story so thank you for that, and of course for the completely stellar review - I'm floating away now to cloud nine, oh, and the muse is smirking with his tongue curled behind his teeth. Since you do have limited time on the internet I hate to ask this, but seeings as you're like one of THE Queens of the smut I love to read so much (that's a compliment btw), I'd love it if you read my other (finished) story (3 chapters long) entitled Language of Love. I'd love your opinion on it. Well, now before I go starting to babble here, I'll just say thanks again - what's that, like 3 or 4 times now??? LOL, *hugs*, Tina