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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

[Reviews - 7]

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Authors Chapter Notes:
Thank you to Maryperk for suggesting that I write this.
*groans* Yes, I have a fluffy side and it decided to show itself.

Willow sat on the stairs in the Summers’ residence as she watched her oldest friend banging away at a piece of wood as he tried to repair the damage from the latest demon attack.

“Xander, we need to talk” Willow put on her ‘resolve-face’ as she reached the construction worker busy hammering away at a broken table.

“Look, if this is about me taking Dawn and leaving…” Xander watched confused as the red-head rolled her eyes at him.

“No, you idiot, this is about your obvious ‘I like men’ thing going on.” Willow shook her head as her best friend began sputtering and waving his arms around manically.

“W-what? I-I’m not gay! Willow, I’m not gay! All with the woman-loving over here! I-I, how did you know?” His arms rested at his side as he gazed down at his favorite lesbian.

“Hello Gaydar here! Plus the fact that you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Spike and I’ve seen you check out Andrew a couple of times. It’s alright Xander, we’re not going to judge you…well, Buffy might say something about you checking out her boyfriend but…”

“Why does everyone think Spike is my boyfriend?” The irate little blonde pushed her way past her oldest friends as she headed down to the basement and her ‘not a boyfriend’.

Basement of the Summers’ residence

Buffy flopped next to Spike on the tiny cot that was propped against the wall, desperately trying to ignore his half-naked status. Sensing her radiating anger, Spike wrapped his arm around her tiny shoulders and held her head against his shoulder.

“What’s botherin’ you kitten?” He quickly laid a kiss to the top of her head before resuming ‘concerned friend’ look number five, one he hoped wouldn’t get him dusted and didn’t look like ‘I want to fuck her into next week’.

“Everyone thinks you’re my boyfriend again…and it’s not fair.”

“I was your boyfriend before?”

“Well, you were there with the kissing and the sex having so… I don’t know.” Buffy buried her head even farther into the crook of his neck as she tried to not focus on the not-sex having she was having with Spike but boy did she want to. It had been far too long for her and frankly, the man…vampire was hot and really great in the sack and did she mention it had been awhile?

“So I was your boyfriend on account of the sex havin’? Spike closed his eyes as he forced himself not to look down her shirt that was teasing him with glimpses of her supple breasts. Having her this close was going to kill him…er, kill him again.

“Screw it!” With that, Buffy crashed her lips on his own and forced him down on the cot as her heated hands made contact with his cool flesh.


“No no no, the walk is all wrong. Do it again! Just with more oomph! C’mon walk like Buffy does, sway your hips a bit more.” Willow ordered the construction worker back up the make-shift runway as he twirled on the spot and set back down the ramp.

“Willow, why do I have to learn how to walk differently? This has been working for the Xand-man for years now.” Xander shrugged his shoulders as he caught a glimpse of platinum blonde hair flash by the front door before it was gone.

“Do you want to find a guy or not? Oh and you should probably find a better name…like Lavelle. Lavelle Harris.” Willow tested the name before grinning at the pale man in front of her.

“Lavelle Harris, Will, I don’t think I can do this. Why can’t I just find a guy that likes me for me?” Xander slouched down onto the half-finished table.

“Um hi guys.” Andrew poked his head in from the entryway before sliding along the wall into the trashed living room. “Do you know where Spike and Buffy were running to? They seemed to be in a hurry.”

“Buffy went someplace with Spike? Oh Andrew! Come here, I want to try something with you.” Willow ushered the terrified looking boy into the room across from Xander. “Would you date Xander?”

Andrew’s face flushed as he looked anywhere but at the carpenter before him before he stuttered his reply. “I-I’m not gay.”

“What do I have to do to get people to admit their sexuality in this house?” Willow paced in front of the two men, still avoiding each others gaze. “Buffy won’t admit she’s completely in love with Spike and he won’t do anything cause he’s still scared of what he did before. You two won’t admit you’re perfect for each other and Dawn…well, Dawn had RJ but that was a lost cause and…Buffy would kill me if she knew I was thinking about her sister in that way, plus she’s all with the boy loving.”

Amidst her tirade, she never noticed the two men in background locking lips and groping each other’s welcoming bodies.

Across town

“So we can do this legally?” Buffy paused kissing his neck to peer at the sheet of paper clutched tightly in his hands.

“Sure can luv, knew I kept a current background for a reason. ‘M just lucky I…we found it. Are you sure you want to do this Buffy? There’s no going back, at least for me there isn’t.” He watched her with trepidation in his eyes and he silently prayed that she wouldn’t tell him it was all a joke and she never wanted to go through with it.

“I want this with you William, I want it all with you. I want to wake up in the morning and see you first thing and know that you aren’t going to run off, plus we know you won’t go evil on me. I love you William and yes, I want to marry you.” She brushed her lips once more against his before turning to the waiting priest.

“Are we ready then?” Father McNeil gazed at the young couple with a weathered eye and felt a rush of pride of being the one to join the couple that appeared so deep in love.

“We’re ready Father.”

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the union of Miss Elizabeth Summers and Mr. William Pratt, if anyone objects please speak now or forever hold your peace…” Father McNeil waited a moment for the older caretaker to say anything as the only witness to the union before he continued with the shortened vows.

“…and do you Elizabeth take William to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and health, for richer, for poorer as long as you both shall live?”

“That’s a loaded statement,” Buffy murmured under breath as the priest waited for her response. “ I will.”

“…and do you William…”

“Sure do boss. Don’t bother will the rest ‘f it. I will and that’s final. Can you just skip to the part where I get to kiss my girl?” Spike bounced eagerly in anticipation.

“Alright, we’ll do the shortened version. On the count of three exchange rings. One, two…” He never got to three before the young couple had traded rings and were engaged in a long, passion-filled kiss. “Uh-hmm, you may now kiss the bride.”

“Sorry Father got a little carried away. Is there anything else we need to sign?” Spike bounced lightly on his feet, keeping his arm around Buffy as he did so.

“No, no you’re all set. Good luck and may God be with you.” Father McNeil chuckled at the young couple and silently prayed that they find their way through the impending darkness.

“Fuck, I love you pet ‘n I’m gonna spend the rest ‘f my undead life showing you how much.”

“I love you too Spike. So do you think that cot will hold both of us?” Buffy giggled as he swung her into his arms and raced to the waiting Desoto.

“Only one way to find out pet.”

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