1,2,3 (hockey, hockey, hockey) by Bonks
Summary: Buffy Summmers fell head-over-heels for Boston Bruins hockey player William Giles ever since she first laid eyes on him. Can she get over his past and the media constantly stalking him over his recent break-up with famous actress Dru Wellington? Things get even better with these two once Buffy realizes that her ex-boyfriend and Will have a lot more in common than just playing the same sport...
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 5898 Read: 4370 Published: 06/06/2004 Updated: 06/17/2004
Prologue- Girls Night Out by Bonks
1, 2, 3 Hockey Hockey Hockey

Prologue - Girls Night Out

Cordelia: “Let’s go ladies! Don’t wanna be late now, do we?” she called up the stairs as she looked at her watch and then the times on the three tickets she was holding.

Willow: “How are we supposed to know whether or not we even want to go? You haven’t even told us where you’re taking us!” she called back down as she continued to apply her makeup. “But I’m praying for male strippers” she gave a cheeky grin to Buffy, who was brushing her teeth.

Buffy just smiled at her friend in a tooth-pasty smile. She didn’t really care where Cordy took them as long as it was far away from anything resembling school or work. She was really looking forward to a girl’s night out, it felt like ages since the three of them got together. But, a part of her was rather curious. And male strippers didn’t sound all that bad…

She spit and rinsed. “Can we at least have a clue, Cordy?” she said as she made her way across the hall to her room to retrieve her shoes.

Cordelia: “You do know the meaning of the word “surprise”?” she said looking at her watch. ‘We’re gonna miss the warm-up’ she pouted silently to herself.

Willow: “But there will be boys, right?” she asked chirpily as she hopped down the stairs barefoot.

Cordelia: “Of course there will be boys; I’m not sending us off to go live in a convent, Will”.

Buffy: “Well, as long as there are boys, this night can’t be too awful” she said as she followed Willow down the stairs.

Cordelia: “Thanks for having faith in me pal”.

Buffy: “Ugh! Can we please not mention that slut-bag’s name tonight”.

Cordelia: “Gladly” she noticed Willow sliding on her sandals “Will, you may wanna wear closed shoes so your toes don’t freeze”.

Willow: “Another clue! Are we gonna be outside?” she asked as she slid on her Uggs.

Cordelia: “Nope” she said with a popping noise. “Now, come on. We’re late as it is”. With that, the three girls got into Cordelia’s sports car and drove off.

I understand that's not a lot to go on. I'm gonna post the next chapter to get you guys started.
This story archived at http://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=2694