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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
This was a cute idea that I had in my head and I decided to see what I could come up with. I really like how it came out and I think this is probably one of my favorites. Well, I hope you guys would like it and leave me a review. I practically live on them=)

Chapter 1

“You’re breaking up with me?” Buffy Summers said as she was staring at her boyfriend, shock and hurt written on her face.

“I think it’s for the best. We both want different things and I think we need to take some time off.”

Buffy still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I don’t understand this, Riley. You want to take a break from us?” she wondered in confusion.

Riley took a deep breath. “I just can’t be in a relationship right now. I don’t think I can commit to one person. I’m really sorry, Buffy,” he explained.

Buffy tried to hold her tears back. “We’ve been dating for two years. How long have you felt this way?”

He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “For a while now. Things were great in the beginning, but lately you’ve been a bit distant. I feel like I can’t talk to you anymore and it would be best if we saw other people. We have to experience what else is out there. I hope you can understand that.”

Buffy pulled her hand out of his grasp. “Yeah, I understand fine. I hope you have a nice life.” She stood up and walked out of the restaurant, tears streaming down her face.

* * * * *

“I just don’t understand what went wrong. I thought things were going well,” Buffy explained to her friend the next day.

“You’ll be okay, Buffy. It just wasn’t meant to be,” she replied, rubbing Buffy’s back in comfort.

She stopped crying and looked at her friend. “I’m sorry for getting all weepy on you, Willow. It’s probably the damn hormones.”

Willow nodded in understanding. “Did you tell him that you were pregnant?”

Buffy sighed and shook her head. “I couldn’t tell him. He probably would have done the right thing and decided to stay with me because of that, but I don’t want that to be the only reason he’s with me. God, when did everything get so messed up? I just finished college and I had a great boyfriend. Now, I’m pregnant and my baby doesn’t even have a father,” she commented, more tears falling down her face. “I’m so scared, Will. I don’t know how to raise a baby by myself.”

Willow gave the blonde a friendly hug. “You won’t be doing it alone, Buffy. I’ll help you out anyway I can.”

Buffy graced her with a small smile now. “Thanks, I really appreciate it.” She let out a sigh and stood up. “I guess I’m gonna have to tell my mom. That should be a fun conversation,” she said sarcastically. Buffy then took a deep breath and left the apartment that she shared with Willow. It was time to face her mother.

* * * * *

“I’ll kill him! How can he leave after getting you pregnant? That bastard!” Joyce Summers spat as she paced back and forth in her living room.

Buffy tried to calm her down. “Mom, he doesn’t even know I’m pregnant.”

Joyce glanced back at her daughter, calming down enough to sit on the couch. “That still doesn’t make this right. Have you thought about what you’re going to do?”

Buffy shrugged and sat down next to Joyce. “I don’t know. I just know that I’m keeping the baby. Even if I have to raise it without a father.”

Joyce felt for her daughter and knew how hard it was to raise a child alone. “Honey, you don’t know how difficult that will be. We’ll just have to find you someone. There’s this nice man that works at the gallery. I think he would be perfect for you.”

“I just got out of a relationship. I’m not looking to date anyone new right now. I appreciate the help, but I’m going to be fine.”

Joyce looked like she was about to say something else, but Buffy didn’t let her.

“I should get going. Don’t worry about me, Mom.” She placed a kiss on her mother’s cheek and walked out of the front door. “I’ll visit next week!” she yelled and then headed to her car. She was soon driving away from the house.

* * * * *

Buffy was walking the streets by herself later that night. She was busy thinking about everything that happened. She noticed all of the happy couples around her and felt a twinge of sadness. She met Riley in her sophomore year of college and they were so in love, or so she thought. She didn’t understand when things started to change for him. She wrapped her arms around herself when she started to feel a chill. She then looked in the distance and saw a young couple with a little girl. She felt tears prick her eyes when the man picked up the child and swung her around. She shook her head and looked away. She wouldn’t let that happy family affect her. She was going to have a child and everything was going to be okay, with or without a father.

* * * * *

A black car road toward town and smashed into the ‘Welcome to Sunnydale’ sign. The car stopped and a man in a leather duster, with bleached hair stepped out. He had a cigarette hanging from his mouth and a smile on his face. He left Sunnydale years ago after he graduated from high school. He never knew that he would one day be coming back to a town that caused so much trouble for him. He had problems in England when he was younger and was sent to live with his uncle in California to keep him out of trouble. Of course, the trouble didn’t stop there. His mother passed away recently and he didn’t care for being in England anymore, so he decided to see what his uncle was up to.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it to the ground, stepping on it in the process. He took a deep breath and looked around at his surroundings. “Home sweet home,” he said to himself, then got back into the car and drove to his destination.

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