Author: Elizabeth Anne Summers
Title: Bewitched, Buggered, and Bewildered
Episode: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Some could be considered slightly non-con
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, but I’ll just create something better someday.
Summary: When Spike’s Valentine’s gift is spurned by Dru for Daddy’s gift, it’s the last straw and he gets a plan to make things right. He learns the hard way that magic is something not to be taken lightly.
Author's Notes: My Spike has his swagger still, just the way I like him. Other changes to cannon that will be apparent as you read. So read. ^.^ Thank you to DreamsofSpike for betaing this for me.
“It’s totally dead tonight,” Buffy commented in a bored tone of voice as she twirled her stake idly between her fingers. “And not even in the exciting way.”
Willow just shook her head at the strange comment. Well—a year ago it would have been strange, anyway. Now—not so much, not after all that had happened within that time. Not here in Sunnydale. People pretended that it was a normal town, but after having your eyes awakened to the truth it was hard to understand how anyone could ignore the weird happenings that were so frequent in Sunnydale.
Deciding to start up a conversation to get their minds off patrol, Willow asked, “So, are you coming to the Valentine’s dance at the Bronze Friday night? You know my—“
“Boyfriend’s band is playing. Yeah, you’ve told everyone a million times. The whole Pacific coast knows at this point,” Buffy told her in amusement then shook her head and looked down at her feet. “I’m thinking it’s a no. I’m going to practice the ritual of the dateless on Valentine’s. I’m just going to pass on patrol and stay home watching sappy movies while stuffing myself with take-out. My mom’s out of town for the weekend.”
And why was she a dateless loser on what was supposedly the most romantic day of the year? Oh yeah, her boyfriend lost his soul and went all evil when she slept with him.
It was the kind of thing a girl became a lesbian over.
“We can all go together as a group. We’ll have fun!” Willow nodded, smiling encouragingly at her friend. She didn’t like seeing Buffy look so down.
“That’s nice in theory, but you’re going to want to dance with Oz, and Xander’s going to want to dance with his she-devil. I’d rather just stay home.” She reached out to pat the redhead’s arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I just want you to go have fun.”
Willow looked dubious for a moment, but at the resolve on the blonde’s face she finally nodded. “Okay, but maybe we’ll swing by afterwards and join in on the movie fun.”
“Nah, don’t bother. I may go to bed early, and I’m sure you’d have more fun sharing a cup of coffee with your sweetie after the dance.” Buffy stopped suddenly just outside the cemetery and looked around. “I think I lost my locket.”
“I don’t see it,” Willow said, looking around as well.
“Well, I don’t feel like searching a cemetery all night for a little necklace. Hopefully, I’ll run across it again on another patrol.”
The two girls left, heading towards town and Sunnydale High to check in with Giles before calling it a night. Neither gave another thought to the missing locket. Buffy’s mind was busy with worries of what Angelus was planning while Willow was worrying over her lonely friend. Maybe there was someone she could fix Buffy up with.
At a local demon bar, Spike slumped on a stool nursing his second—or maybe his third—bottle of Jack. In his hand, he clutched a heart-shaped locket that he had tried to give to his dark princess as a Valentine’s Day gift only to have her coo over “daddy” still.
Daddy had brought her a child dressed a cherub. She had found that gift much more entertaining. When the sounds of their rutting and the child’s cries had started up, Spike had slipped out, snatching up the forgotten gift on his way out.
“Should go back an’ dust the wanker,” he muttered to himself, taking another swig of alcohol. “But then Dru would just fly off the handle an’ she’d never forgive me for dustin’ her precious Daddy.”
His hand shot out to grab the bartender in an iron grip, leaning forward as he pulled the demon towards him. Spike opened his mouth to say something, but then caught something out of the corner of his eye. There was a brief flash of light at the door, as a blonde bint Spike had never seen before used magic to make the bouncer allow her inside. As Spike released the bartender, a plan began to form in the vampire’s inebriated brain.
Magic. He could use magic to get his dark princess back.
All he had to do was wait for a chance to grab the witch. Then, he would make her do a love spell on Dru, make his Sire forget all about Angelus. His whiskey was forgotten as his eyes stayed on the girl, waiting for the right moment. It came when she headed towards the restrooms in the back of the bar. He silently slid off the stool and went after her.
When she came out of the bathroom, Spike was waiting there to drag her out the back door into the alley. He held her pinned to the wall with a hand at her throat, suddenly very steady despite all the alcohol. The recuperative power of the vampire body was an amazing thing.
“Don’t try any of your mojo on me, bitch,” he hissed, his voice the only thing giving away his choice of drink. His face shifted and he narrowed yellow eyes on her. “I’ll snap your little neck before you get out the words.”
“What, you saw me and figured you’d try a new flavor of blood? See if witch’s blood tasted all that different?” Amy asked him, clearly bored. She wasn’t really that scared, so assured was she in her power, and her ability to wait for her chance to show her stuff.
“No, but I might try that if you don’t do as I ask.” His head tilted slightly to the side as he gave her a considering look. “I just need you to do a bit of your thing for me. I got a girl, an’ another guy’s been poachin’ what’s mine, turnin’ her pretty head his way.”
“’re not vampire enough to just snap
his neck?”
Furious, he slammed her against the wall with a growl. “I’d shut that gob of yours if you want to live. But no, I can’t just do away with him, because it would just cause more problems. I need you to do a bit of a love spell on her to make sure she only has eyes for yours truly.”
“You’ll let me go once I do this for you?” she asked, finally losing some of her self-confidence at the violence of his reaction.
And really, it wasn’t much to ask, and it might even be fun. Her night had been looking like one boring wasteland before all this drama. At his nod, she smiled. “Okay. I’ll do it and you don’t need to threaten me. Just call it my Valentine’s Day present to you and yours.”
He released her finally and she rubbed her neck as she took a step back from him for her own peace of mind.
“I need a book from the magic shop over there along with some ingredients. I figure a creature of the night like you won’t have any qualms about breaking in to get the stuff we need, since I’m sure you don’t want to wait for it to open.” She started across the street, figuring he would follow. “I also need something of hers to enchant.”
After a moment’s thought, Spike paused outside the magic shop and pulled out the locket from his pocket—the one he had given her, only to have her discard it. This would do. Besides, he didn’t fancy sneaking back into the factory to knick something of Dru’s.
Alohomora,” Amy muttered after glancing around the dark street and the door swung open for them. She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Try not to steal much more than we need so the shopkeeper doesn’t get too suspicious.”
He just shot her a sardonic look and went off to look at the pretty shiny things in the far corner, while Amy went straight for the books, knowing exactly which one she would need. She had flirted with the idea of doing the same spell on one of the guys at school, but was afraid to have him following her around like a puppy. If that was what this guy wanted, who was she to tell him any different?
Once she found the page with the spell on it, she was able to start gathering the things they would need. There wasn’t much—ostrich feather, some rose coloured crystals, candles, and a couple herbs. Standing in front of the herbs, she glanced at the vampire again then smirked as she grabbed some dried damiana and a bit of ground kava. It would certainly make the effects more...interesting.
“Okay, I got everything,” she announced, grabbing a bag from behind the counter to carry it all.
Spike slid something into his pocket as he turned to face her, nodding in understanding as he followed her towards the door again. She turned back towards him once they were on the street again and the door was locked behind them, as if they had never been there.
“Where do you want to do this?” She arched a brow and hitched the bag over her shoulder.
“I’m sure there’s a cozy little crypt in there that’s empty,” he said, thumbing towards the nearest cemetery. “We won’t be bothered there.”
The spell was done and all that was left to do was to go see if it had worked. Spike strode quickly down the street, eager to see the results for himself. The look on the poofter’s face would be priceless! He and Dru could then leave this fucking town in their dust since it had brought them nothing but trouble.
“Speakin’ of trouble...” Spike muttered as he rounded a corner to see the Slayer heading his way.
Buffy spotted him and stopped in her tracks; he did as well. There was a moment’s pause before she came running at him. He figured it was the same old game of slayer versus vampire, preparing himself for a fight. Instead, he found his ass and then his back hitting the ground, as he was tackled by a wiggling blonde, in a way that bore little resemblance to her usual fighting style.
“Bloody hell!” he cursed, trying to wrangle her off of him before she could stake him—or whatever it was she was trying to do. “Get offa me!”
“You smell so good,” Buffy was saying, unaffected by his actions, it seemed. Her nose was buried in his neck and she inhaled deeply. “So sexy and manly—just like you.”
what?” he squeaked, freezing with his hands locked on her upper arms. He thrust her out to arm’s length and looked up at her with brows furrowed. “Are you off your bird, Slayer? What the hell has gotten into you?”
you want to get into me?” She grinned widely and winked.
Spike’s eyes went wide as he tried to figure out if this was some sort of joke. If it was, she sure was doing the hard sell with her little hand slipping under his duster to explore his chest. He groaned and tilted his head back, jaw clenching as he did his best to fight his body’s response to her.
This was only because she was female and he hadn’t got much action in a very long time, right? Even before Angelus came around, he hadn’t been getting anywhere with Dru in awhile because of her condition, from which she had only recently recovered. So was it any wonder that his body would react to any touch, even the touch of that bitch of a Slayer?
“Hey...this is just like my locket,” Buffy said with her bottom lip poking out slightly, lifting out the locket from his inner pocket. “I lost mine in the cemetery.”
“Bugger,” he muttered as he realized what was going on.
This was Buffy’s locket. So either Dru was also affected or not at all—most likely the latter, because the locket was not really hers. The explanation for why the spell had worked as it had was either that Buffy had not willingly given up the locket, or that Dru had rejected the gift. It could be because of both.
He still had a problem, though—a randy slayer currently gyrating against him and molesting his body. The spell might have hit the wrong mark, but it didn’t change the fact that he was horny, no longer being the apple of Dru’s eye, and had a willing body right there asking for him to take her. What kind of idiot would he be if he turned down this opportunity to get into the Slayer’s knickers?
“Well, luv, I found that one in the cemetery come to think of it,” he told her. “So that’s probably yours, so you might as well take it back.”
Buffy beamed as she put the locket on then returned her attention to him, her eyes roaming over him hungrily. She bit the corner of her lip and tilted her head. His vampire hearing picked up the quickening of her heartbeat.
“My mom’s out of town and the house-”
“Say no more,” Spike cut in, swiftly standing with her in his arms. “Sounds like the right spot for some wild shaggin’.”
Tossing her over his shoulder, he gave her a smack on the ass then raced towards her house on Revello Drive. At the front porch, he realized he had to stop and tilted back his head, licking his lips before he spoke.
“Well, kitten, now’s the time when you reveal if this is some sick joke,” he told her. “If it isn’t, then I guess you better invite me in.”
The slayer giggled and kicked her legs playfully. “Now why would I joke about something like this?” Then her voice dropped in her imitation of a stuffy British accent, “Why don’t you come in, ssssir.”
“Right obliged, Jeeves.” He gave her ass another smack and stepped across the threshold. “S’pose your room is upstairs then? Or you want to do this someplace else?”
“Well, I’ve only been with An-” Buffy’s voice cut off at the growl he emitted at the mention of his Grand-Sire. “Only him. So...don’t got much experience and I’ll do it anywhere you want to, if it’ll make you happy. I want to make you happy.”
“I’ve got a lot to teach you then, luv. We can be right naughty buggers an’ do it in your mum’s bed.”
Her nose scrunched up as he sat her down on her feet finally. “Eh, big no. That’s gross.”
“Real cute there, Slayer.” He brushed a kiss across her nose then jerked away, almost fearing the spell had affected him as well. What the hell was he doing? This was just supposed to be about him fucking the bitch senseless then draining her once he got tired of her. “Let’s just cut to it.”
Deciding the location for them, Spike spun her around so that she was facing the door and shove her forward. Her hands braced on the wood to keep her from smacking her face while Spike ran his hand around her waist to get to the clasp of her jeans. There was no way he was going to dawdle long enough for him to get to acting weird again and unlike the slayer, he didn’t much care where they did it as long as he got his rocks off.
He knelt as he slid her jeans down, smoothing his hands over her milky skin as he went. His eyes drifted over her buttocks and he couldn’t resist giving one cheek a healthy bite, causing her to yip.
“Yum.” He chuckled as he ran his tongue over the red mark.
His fingers worked her flesh then slid under the edges of her lacy panties. He realized he should have some caution, not leaving too many marks or being too rough as he wasn’t sure how long this spell would last and how much the Slayer might remember. Not that they weren’t mortal enemies already. He figured the only reason he wasn’t dusty already was the same reason he hadn’t put her in her premature grave as he did to get his title as Slayer of Slayers; she enjoyed the dance as much as he did. So there was no reason to make her want to end their dancing any time soon.
If anyone was going to end it, it would be him—and on his terms.
Not that shagging her while under a spell was going to make her particularly happy, but maybe if he made it real good for her she would see reason to keep him from being dust.
There were also other alternatives to consider, depending on how well this interlude went. Thoughts of winning Drusilla back from Angelus drifted further and further away from his mind as he tore away the small scrap of lace. Maybe it was a long time in coming, the realization that he was attracted to the Slayer. Still—hard to avoid the obvious when he had her naked and willing in front of him.
“Smell so good,” he murmured as he dipped his head to inhale deeply. “I could savour you all night—your smell and taste—but that’s not what my little minx wants, does she? She wants to feel me inside her.”
Buffy nodded before realizing he couldn’t see it from his position and so she moaned, “Yes, that’s what I want.”
Eagerly removing his own clothes, Spike then took up position behind her and dropped one hand between them to grip his rigid cock. His other hand tangled in her hair and jerked her head so that her neck was arched almost painfully. He bit down at the same moment that he plunged into her, getting off on her cry of pain.
There was a pause as he got the first taste of her blood and was distracted as if in his own spell. The wiggling of her bottom against him brought him out of the momentary stupor. He took the movements as a sign that she wanted him to continue so he obliged, thrusting into her and sliding his hand around to cup her breast. He kneaded the flesh in his hand as he moved against her.
He stroked his tongue over the pinpricks left by his fangs, closing them before nibbling along her shoulder. A gurgling sound bubbled up in her throat and he tilted his head to see her eyes screwed shut. That put a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he took this as signs of her pleasure—pleasure that
he was giving her.
How good it felt to be with a receptive partner that he knew was thinking about him while he drove into her, not some big forehead of a man. True, this was brought on by a spell, but it was still better than what he had had with Drusilla for pretty much all of their time together. At first he had just been too naïve to tell; but eventually, he had had no choice but to realize that Dru’s feelings for him were not even remotely close to the feelings he had for her.
“You pussy feels so good, pet, so good,” he whispered huskily into her ear as his hand left her breast, smoothing over stomach as it slid to where they were joined. “So hot you’re burnin’ me right up an’ so tight. I think I might want to keep you—can’t get enough of you.”
The thrusts got harder—faster. His fingers found her clit, pinching and twisting it so that she was screaming at the ceiling. She had her first orgasm, but he didn’t let up and in fact got rougher. Her body was practically slamming against the door with each thrust and she feared it might fall off its hinges.
“Spike,” she gasped his name as he hit deep within her. “Spike!”
Just as he reached his own climax, he jerked her back to him again and slid his fangs back into the bite he made earlier. Her nails left scratches on the door as she followed him over the edge before collapsing with him against the stairs. They both laid there, feeling boneless and basting in the stillness.
Finally, Spike rolled Buffy over to face him, opening his mouth with a smirk to make some comment about how this should be repeated—many times. Except, he only had a moment to register the thunderous expression on her face before her fist smashed into his nose.
“Bloody hell!” He cupped his face, feeling the borrowed blood trickle out. “That’s not exactly my idea of post-coital bliss, Slayer!”
raped me!” she seethed through clenched teeth and tried to shift away from him.
He quickly grabbed hold of her and dragged her back to him. “Did not! You were quite willin’ and achin’ for it!”
“As if!”
Her fist came flying again, but he caught it and began wrestling with her. Luckily for him, she hadn’t recovered as rapidly as he had and it didn’t take him long to have her pinned underneath him.
“Soddin’ bitch! I’ll show you!” he snarled as his face shifted. “I was goin’ to keep you! But, I’ll just go with the original plan to kill you. Your pussy isn’t
that worth it!”
Her mouth opened, not quite sure what to make of that last statement, but any words that were about to come out were choked on when he bit down savagely for a third time that night. She tried to push at him, but he had already taken so much blood from her the first two times that the balance of power was not on her side. Her eyes squeezed shut as she prepared for the inevitable.
Gawd, as if Valentine’s Day wasn’t shitty enough with the being dumped by my newly re-eviled boyfriend, now I’m going to die after being taken advantage of.******
Monday after school, Willow hurried over to Buffy’s house worriedly. She hadn’t seen her friend all weekend, having taken Buffy’s word that she just wanted to spend some time on her own to mope over being dateless. Then Buffy didn’t show up for school that day and Willow was concerned, unable to answer Giles’ questions but promising to check it out.
The timid redhead found herself on Buffy’s porch and looked around for any signs of something being amiss before knocking on the door. While waiting for an answer, Willow walked the length of the porch and continued to look around for hints of anything being wrong. She even tried to peek in through the front windows, but the sound of the door had her hurrying back only to skid to a halt.
“Will?” Buffy squinted around the edge of the door at her, holding up a hand to shade her eyes. “What’re you doing here?”
“Does the word ‘school’ ring a bell?” Willow crinkled her forehead and took a step forward. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah, I’m peachy with a side of keen. My eyes just...” Buffy glanced behind her at something Willow couldn’t see before turning back. “I wasn’t feeling so hot, so school was a no go. In fact, I’m not sure when I’ll be back at school.”
Willow’s mouth hung open for a moment before her eyes narrowed and her chin jutted out. She charged forward to shove the door hard, letting in more of the sunlight. Buffy screamed and jumped back at the same time there was loud, British cursing coming from a figure that dove into the dining room to avoid the deadly rays.
Willow slammed the door behind her while the seemingly
former slayer nursed a burnt arm.
“’re a...a thing!” Willow waved her arm at her friend frantically.
“I’m not a thing; I’m a Buffy.” Said “Buffy” pouted at her then turned to look to make sure Spike wasn’t dusty. “And you can stop with the wiggins, because I apparently kept my soul or something...which I mean, if I didn’t I would so totally eat you for burning my arm.”
I don’t got one, so can
I eat her?” Spike asked sullenly as he stepped back into the room. Buffy hit his arm and he gave her a crooked grin. “Right. No munchin’ on your mates.”
Willow blinked at them and took a cautionary step back. “More explain-y?”
“Spike, being his usual stupid self,” Buffy began, ignoring the interjected “oi!” from behind her. “He did a spell to get Drusilla back—a love spell. I know, much ew there. But something went wrong, because remember that locket I lost? Well, he had tried to give it to the ho-bag and he later used it for the love spell.”
Understanding lit up the young witch’s eyes. “So because it was technically yours, the spell affected you? Is that why you’re all with the vamp loving?”
“No, the spell pretty much broke when he bit me during...uh, during some stuff.” Buffy blanched at nearly having blurted out what exactly she had been doing with Spike all weekend. “I snapped out of it and we fought, which led to him nearly killing me then changing his mind.”
“And you’re just okay with this?”
“Well, not totally...yet. But, I mean, I’m so glad he finally realized I’m a million times better than Skankella and he has no soul to lose, like Angel did. He can also help me get rid of Angelus before he does anything else.” Buffy glanced back towards Spike for confirmation of that and he nodded to Willow.
“Promise, Red. I never liked the poofter anyhow. I might not be the one for puppies an’ rainbows, but I’ve always been Love’s Bitch an’ willin’ to bend over backwards for the ladies I love. So if that means tryin’ to play the Good Little Boy in exchange for havin’ a girl that actually treats me with respect an’ returns my affections, then I’d walk to the end of the world for her—an’ I’d do it with the biggest bloody smile!” Spike was looking at Buffy as he finished his little speech, catching her eyes so that she knew he meant every word.
The two vampires turned towards Willow to wait for her reaction, both a little afraid of how she was going to take this. The meek redhead swallowed and slowly nodded her head as she took it in.
“Can’t point too much of a finger since I’m dating a werewolf,” she began then wrinkled her nose. “But it’s not like I’m going to let him bite me and change me. The others, though, might not be so forgiving after the Angelus thing, you know? Even if Spike does live up to his promise and gets rid of him for us.”
“I understand that,” Buffy responded softly then took a step forward. “Maybe we can just get Giles to come over here alone first and he can see for himself that I’m all with the souled now and then tell the others because it would be better coming from him. I show up and they’ll jump up to stake me on sight without letting me explain, especially if Spike’s with me.”
“That...sounds better than anything I’ve got.” Willow gave a small smile and shrugged.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be here when the Watcher gets here,” Spike added and nodded towards the door. “I got some stuff to take care of an’ll be back later to see how it went.”
“You’re not going to try to take him on right now, are you?” Buffy spun towards Spike in alarm. “Do you...well, I guess you’re hopped up on slayer blood, but...are you sure?”
He stalked back towards her and gave her a kiss, warmed by the fact that this was the first time someone had been concerned for him since his mum. “Goin’ to see if I can get some minion type back up first an’ see where it goes from there. If it doesn’t look good I won’t push my luck.”
“Okay,” she said with a pout. “I don’t like it, but you wouldn’t listen to me if I told you what to do anyway.”
“Nope.” He gave her another kiss then left.
Buffy turned back towards Willow and nodded towards the kitchen. “Let’s go get this over with then.”