Summary: A little ficlet/song that I wrote last Christmas. Please read the A/N below to find out why I'm submitting this here, now.
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics Characters: None
Genres: Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 932
Read: 1236
Published: 07/19/2005
Updated: 07/19/2005
A Very Spuffy Christmas by spufette
Author's Notes:
I had a reader/reviewer E me and ask me to submit this here at the Spuffy Realm.
So, since I adore my readers!!!
Only references to Spuffy sex!
Just a little ‘songfic’ for the Holidays. This is Buffy’s POV, so please read and enjoy.
Summary: Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer, is in a dark, damp cemetery, some days just after Christmas. She has just finished off a fledgling vampire and decides to carry on a one way convo with you the readers. That’s pretty much it. This is one shot deal, not too long and may shed some insight into Buffy’s private life. Thanks, Luv S
First and only Chapter:
“Hello,” I’m Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now, I’m not usually alone on patrol, but I gave everyone else, the gang, the night off, so I could be alone, really. Christmas just came and went, next its New Year’s Eve and I can’t wait to see what my ‘true love’ has cooked up for me. The Christmas thing, well, ‘wow’ it was big, I mean really big. Can’t really explain it all, so I’ll ‘sing’ it all, that is all the wonderful gifts my true love sent me. Here it goes:
“On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me,
Two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Dawns a whinin,’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
FIVE GEMS OF AMARA! Four Dawns a whinin’, three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, six ‘Sweet’s’ singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me eight Xanders sulking, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me nine Wiccans dancing, eight Xanders sulking, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me SIT’s a slaying, nine Wiccans dancing, eight Xanders sulking, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me eleven gift certificates to the Sunnydale Mall, ten SIT’s a slaying, nine Wiccans dancing, eight Xanders sulking, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
On the twelth day of Christmas my true love sent to me twelve shiny new golden stakes, eleven gift certificates to the Sunnydale Mall, ten SIT’s a slaying, nine Wiccans dancing, eight Xanders sulking, seven Season two fish guys swimming, six Sweet’s a singing, FIVE GEMS OF AMARA, four Dawns a whinin’ three Watchers watching, two Master Vamps and an Angel for the top of my tree…
“Okay, regular Vampire Slayer, Buffy, here again. I guess you are wondering just where Spike fits into this Spuffy Christmas story. Well, you see, Spike is ‘my true love’ and he is the one that sent those entire lovely presents to me!
However, like always, Spike’s plans kind of get screwed up and the poor, sweet guy sent all the presents to the wrong address. Now, some guy named Mort who lives down my street at 1640 Revello Drive, Sunnydale, CA is enjoying the company of the Vamps, Wiccans, Watchers, Whiney Dawns, yada yada. Oh, and the Angel? He’s up on Mort’s tree, with the top branch of the Christmas Tree up his a**!
Now, here’s the neat, really ‘wow’ part! Christmas night…because my gorgeous Spike sent all of my gifts to the wrong place, I was all alone for the Holiday. At least, I was, until Spike came over to my empty house on Christmas night and well…you get the picture, right?
Anyway, we, Spike and me, are planning to spend New Year’s Eve alone together. Really start the New Year with a big ‘BANG!’
Happy Holidays Everyone!
(Spuf apologizes and hopes that everyone who reads this takes it in the way it was meant! Oh, and no animals, SIT’s, Vamps, Xanders, Wiccans and even brat little sisters were harmed in the making of this songfic!)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.