Reviewer: Miranda
Date: 06/30/2013 - 10:36 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
Lots of holes in here and the timeline seemed a little wonky but overall it was good
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 08/25/2011 - 03:30 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
How did she get pregnant? Spike. vampire!
Reviewer: js
Date: 12/18/2010 - 08:44 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
definite sequal
Reviewer: ZLB
Date: 09/15/2009 - 07:04 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
This was a wonderful story that I personally would love to see continue. ~ZLB
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 10:40 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
I loved that Buffy wore tennis shoes! It really was kind of necessary, wasn't it? At any mo, she might have ;to go into slaying mode. Great story and "yes!" a sequel would be nice. Hope it's not a soap opera baby - you know, grwon up in three sentences.
Author's Response: I wouldn't do that to you guys. I honestly have been toying with it for quite some time with deciding how to best handle it but definitely not a three sentence. It would be a story of their growing up it's just so much to write in just one story that I'm struggling with how to handle it! It would be my first baby flick (real family)
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 10:21 pm
Title: Chapter 42: A New Life
Typical Americans - the most important thing after food & basic shelter is - a television! Problem sentence: "Dalton & her shared a room" No,no,no. "She and Dalton shared a room" The ways you can tell which to use are
#1 Is the person performing an action or is something being done To the individual? "She went to the store". He took her to the store".
#2 .If two person-words are in a sentence, leave one name out and see how it sounds then. Which sounds better "Her shared a room" or "She shared a room"?
It was funny, that even while being afraid for her life, Buffy was concerned about how big a mess she might make, fighting six vampires! I would be, too, altho since I'm not a Slayer, the "mess" I would have to clean up would be caused by panic.
Oh, is Dalton making a mistake, not checking Buffy carefully for wounds? Or is he doing the only safe thing, because what if Spike found out and misunderstood and got all "Grrr"?
Author's Response: Ahh, I'll have to fix that. Thanks. I think he's afraid to Spike and his grring nature heh. I'm thinking I would be too actually.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 09:52 pm
Title: Chapter 40: The Plan & Chapter 41: What Now?
It was so funny when Spike said, " Lookie, Slayer is all nice and safe and tucked into chains..." The idea of being "tucked" into chains is very...vampiric. I like it, I really do. (but don't tell my mommy - she might not let me play with Spikey any more ; D
Author's Response: *laughs* That is totally such a vampric thing to say.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 09:41 pm
Title: Chapter 37: Research & Chapter 38: Again?!
I think it is interesting how you show us a truly "pouncy" Angelus, more interested in his goal of world domination, than in sex or mayhem. You are developing Darla well - she seems very "vampiric" if I may say so. More interested in the "now", yet willing to go along with Angelus because - he's the Alpha, right?
PROBLEM SENTENCE: "She wasn't fond of the idea of hell on earth, but she figured food would still be a readily source and people could still be tortured so she went along with the idea". It would be better as "she figured food would be readily available & there'd be plenty of people to torture..."
Author's Response: I'll have to look at that sentence. You have a very good point. I had fun developing Darla. I kind of wish I could have done more with her. Some story I write I'll have to add her in as a vampire and really see if I can have some fun with her.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 09:21 pm
Title: Chapter 35: Watcher's Assistance & Chapter 36: Trouble
In the paragraph that begins GILES FROWNED AND GOT UP AND say ANGELUS WAS A WOMANIZER AND A DRUNK, NOT JUST A PLEASANT. I'm sure you meant to say he wasn't a peasant. It might be easier to understand as "It's true that Angeluswas a womanizer and a drunk, but he wan't a peasant" Another thing that is not so great is Giles' use of the vernacular. You should make him sound more like a wanker. Oh! I meant to say, he should sound more educated and British.
Author's Response: LOL. I didn't really develop much of Giles. I didn't really focus on him and in fact kind of had him popping in more like a fixture outside of her life but yea I should have gone more into the British part of him instead of having him speak so plain English. Good suggestion!
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 08:03 pm
Title: Chapter 29: Mother-Daughter Talk & Chapter 30: Meeting Mum
I was going to say I don't much like Joyce the way you've portrayed her, but I changed my mind during the chapter. I guess Mom was just tired from her trip and probably also suffering repressed guilt for leaving her daughter alone so much. Teenagers may not need their parents to DO a lot for them, but they still need them to be, well, to be AVAILABLE. Really excited thinking about how Willow & Xander will react.
Author's Response: Well I put her as a busy parent. I was planning to kind of fix things with her a bit and have her be a bit more active in the sequel if I ever can pull it off the way I planned. I wanted a family structure not just a fiction based on two people as it was done this time with two others who popped in. I wanted an enlarged family structure that included a little bit of each of their lives allowing the characters to develop over time to be who they should be. To do that it's taking A LOT more than I planned. SO it might be a while for a sequel but I can see your point about Joyce.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/28/2009 - 12:21 am
Title: Chapter 25: The Gift
That was a perfect gift, even better because he had a complementary one for himself.
Author's Response: It was a perfect gift. Perfectly arranged and thought out.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 11:44 pm
Title: Chapter 16 & 17
Great idea, having Dalton choose clean necks to bite.
Ale, spelled a-l-e is a drink similar to beer. To be sick is to ail. They are pronounced exactly the same.
And people wonder why so many immigrants don't speak English! It's a confusing language, more so all the time.
Author's Response: Ok, I'll fix it up and I agree. No wonder people even complain about having to learn English!
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 11:20 pm
Title: Chapter 14 & 15
Ah-ha! I wondered where the Watcher was. And now we find out the dirty little secret. Just as in certain other career fields, the Slayers are considered expendable. Ugly, ugly, ugly. Not the story - the story is beautiful. It's racism (or, if you prefer, speciesism) that is ugly.
Author's Response: *laughs* I'm glad you are liking the story and you are right though, you'd think with the council needing the slayer to have a job that they would appreciate them a tad bit more.
Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 07/27/2009 - 11:03 pm
Title: Chapter 12 & 13
*giggle* You mis-spelled his flat stomach as his FAT stomach! LMAO! (line eleven) When I finally pulled myself together and I read the next few lines, I thout, what a great question! I mean, really, what WOULD cold cum taste/feel like as opposed to regular stuff? And Spike is a smoker. That might affect the taste. But, on the other hand, the strawberries and syrup MIGHT counter-act that. Cinnamon in one's diet does. How do I know? oH, i MUST HAVE LEARNED THAT AT COLLEGE. ; D
Author's Response: *laughs* wow that's a bad typo. Thanks for pointing that out! lol on the rest of your comments.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 10:54 pm
Title: Chapter 10 & 11
Wow! This is definitely a kinder, gentler Buffy! I like her rather more than I usually do. And the sex has been great!
Author's Response: She is having her first experience with a relationship and it's a good one plus I wanted her more gentler.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 10:26 pm
Title: Chapter 6 & 7
Does Dick Clark know that he is NOT the oldest living teen-ager by several decades. Oi! What that stuff they are eating would do to my innards.
Author's Response: lol! I know!
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 10:15 pm
Title: Chapter 4 & 5
'K. No more reviews - I'm too busy reading the story.
Author's Response: *laughs* I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 10:07 pm
Title: Chapter 2 & 3
Sounds like Buffy isn't going to waste TOO much time meeting her new friend - even tho he may seem like a fiend, instead. : D
Author's Response: *laughs* yea I don't know if I would call him a friend.
Reviewer: Buffy Convert
Date: 07/27/2009 - 09:22 pm
Title: A New Life
Love, there are three English words that are all pronounced the same: peeked, peaked, and piqued. Peek means to peer around at something, to look at in a sneaky manner. Peaked means to reach the top of something. The word you need is piqued; which refers to emotion." His ire was piqued " His curiosity was piqued". But the answer to your intended question is : yes, I will continue reading to see what happens next.
Author's Response: Thanks, I fixed it. I appreciate you letting me know when there's misspellings. Glad you are enjoying it!
Reviewer: Kitty
Date: 05/02/2009 - 10:28 pm
Title: A New Life
My interest is definitely peaked. Especially since your A/N makes me think Angel isn't a love interest. Never did like the broody boy.
Author's Response: Yea no love interest for Angel this time around. This story is pretty much completely AU. I kept the vampires, vampires, humans are humans still but I threw them into a different plot to see how things would turn out if things had been different. Hope you enjoy it!
Reviewer: Kate
Date: 03/07/2009 - 05:05 am
Title: Chapter 12 & 13
So far I've liked this story very much. But you really need a beta, there are too much mistakes.
Author's Response: I wish I had a beta to do everything. If you know of anyone let me know. Glad you liked the story!
Reviewer: Kate
Date: 03/07/2009 - 05:05 am
Title: Chapter 12 & 13
So far I've liked this story very much. But you really need a beta, there are too much mistakes.
Author's Response: I'm trying a new beta. It's my fourth one! Anyway hopefully this one works out. She's supposed to be looking over things on Wednesday so I"ll be posting more on the story on Wednesday hopefully. Sorry!
Reviewer: Dominique
Date: 03/04/2009 - 03:39 pm
Title: A New Life
as much as i really like your story i cant continue to read it because you need a beta...badly
if i had the time i would do it for you but sadly im sick and i dont....but i would definitly say your story is awesome and i would read it if you were to repost it with all the spelling and grammatical errors fixed.
please fix them?
Author's Response: I'm trying out a new beta who said she should get around to looking at the story on Wednesday. We will see how that works out. Hopefully well! I've just had horrible luck with finding betas for grammar and spelling mistakes. So try again around the end of the week.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 03/01/2009 - 06:35 pm
Title: Chapter 46: Five Months Later
Awe :))
Enjoyed the read - and would love to read the sequel as well.
Author's Response: I've started a sequel. It's going slow but I"m thinking it will go fast once I really get going on the plot. Just a lot of things to work with and a lot of people I want to explore but definitely will follow soon! I got another two fics I'm almost finished and I want to finish those before I submerge myself into the sequel too much.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 03/01/2009 - 06:29 pm
Title: Chapter 44: Still Waiting
*phew* At last sleeping beauty is awake. She was a long time in the coma.
Author's Response: Probably had no will to live the poor thing. When she was in a coma, she thought Spike no longer wanted her :(