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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviews For Aftermath
Reviewer: nmcil Signed Date: 10/04/2013 - 01:56 pm Title: Chapter 21

always great reading your work - like how you ended this one with the Angel and Spike agreement regarding Buffy and the potential future Spuffy.

Author's Response: Thanks. This one was fun. Someday I'll have to figure out what Spike told Angel. LOL

Reviewer: nmcil Signed Date: 10/04/2013 - 01:24 am Title: Chapter 11

Nice chapter - I like how you have Giles trying to do his automatic Spike is evil and worthless in contrast to his being reasonable and seeing Spike in a better perspective.

Author's Response: Thanks.

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/19/2013 - 11:32 pm Title: Chapter 21

:( I'm still as confused as Buffy. What did Spike promise him? Inquiring minds want to know. Yummy chapter, BTW and lovely story. Loved Buffy telling Angel she wasn't his property. Go Buffy! thanks for sharing!

Author's Response: LOL Only Spike and Angel know... Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was kind of fun to write. :)

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/19/2013 - 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 20

Oh, I'm ready to hear it now! How did Spike get Angel to accept THAT?! Wow - he must be some kind of Jedi or something! 'Weak minds are easily manipulated' ... :) Enjoyed the story. Thanks much for sharing!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading. :)

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/18/2013 - 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 19

Oh, just beat the great poof's butt and get it out in the open. C'mon Buffy - man up! Glad she is still sticking with Spike, though. So far, so good. Jerky-jerk Xander... grrrrr.

Author's Response: LOL

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/18/2013 - 01:16 pm Title: Chapter 18

Oh, Xander! You jerk! You hate Angel! Grrrrrrr! This was going so well until then. I loved Willow's reaction to Spike in the dorm room - PERFECT Willow! Now, who's gonna beat Xander's butt?

Author's Response: LOL Somebody probably will.

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/18/2013 - 12:39 am Title: Chapter 17 Move Over Mr. Gordo

Oh, yay! Buffy didn't back away! I was really worried with the previous darkness that once in the light she would. And standing up to Giles was wonderful. Now, to deal with the Council of Wankers ...

Author's Response: LOL Not backing away. Not right now, anyway,

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 16

Shoot! I really wanted a Walsh butt-kicking! She's such a bit-ca! But, yay that they kicked some commando butt. I love how you always find a way to get Spike's chip out! He's so much more fun without it. :) And Buffy trusting him is always a bonus!

Author's Response: Yeah - not a big fan of the chip, except as a plot device to give them time to get to know each other better. Sorry about Walsh - she wasn't stupid enough to go near Spike or Buffy. lol

Author's Response: Although, in Boy Good she does take a licking... and in a couple of other fics that I can't think of the titles to right now...

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 15

Oh Buffy - piss Spike off, why don't ya? Bored!? ? Really?! Have you been paying attention here, dummy? But now bigger fish to fry -- the bad guys have them. I'm hoping for some serious ass-kicking of Prof. Walsh, at least.

Author's Response: LOL

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 10:55 pm Title: Chapter 14

Well, finally! Only worry now is, what happens when the lights come back on? Will she still be the same person or will the regret start to seep in again? Never know with Buffy.... {sigh} Very hot chapter, BTW! :)

Author's Response: Thanks. :)

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 13

Geez, Buffy! Psychotic much!? I want William, I want Spike ... grrrrr! Would serve her right if Spike left her high and dry!

Author's Response: LOL Like that's going to happen...

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 10:09 pm Title: Chapter 12

Awwww, Spike's such a gentleman. Oh, Buffy ... figure it out! It wasn't the darn spell!

Author's Response: LOL - they'll get it figured out eventually...

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/17/2013 - 09:30 pm Title: Chapter 10

What have you done, indeed! Something YUMMY! Do it again! heehee!

Author's Response: LOL

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/10/2013 - 08:17 pm Title: Chapter 8 Maybe She Should Have Had Tea

Uht-Oh! Why am I afraid that Willow did something ...??? That was a bit sudden... Enjoying the story - always love your banter!

Author's Response: Hope you enjoy the rest of it. :)

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/10/2013 - 05:49 pm Title: Five

Heehee! A very entertaining chapter! Spike's back! Yay! Wouldn't want him to have any idle hands!

Author's Response: Idle hands = bad things. :)

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Date: 02/10/2013 - 12:46 am Title: Two

Poor neutered Spikey! Heehee! Great start - great banter, as always! And it looks like another story where Riley is not in the Slayer-picture. I can hope, at least!

Author's Response: To be honest? I don't remember if he is or not. lol I'm guessing that means "not"

Reviewer: Jerzeyanjel Anonymous Date: 08/09/2012 - 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 21

Beautiful beautiful story hun! I loved loved LOVED it!!!

Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad you did.

Reviewer: Jerzeyanjel Anonymous Date: 08/09/2012 - 07:17 pm Title: Chapter 18

"How do you know I'm naked, Red? Did you peek? Shame on you!"

Best line ever!! I laughed so hard!!

Author's Response: *G*

Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed Date: 07/27/2012 - 07:12 pm Title: Chapter 21

I love this story. Like a few of your others, I've read it several times but for some reason never reviewed. I love heart-on-his-sleeve Spike and I love their sparring match in the Initiative's lab. Like that Angel, Xander and Willow are all reasonable. Wholly satisfying from start to finish.

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you thought so.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous Date: 12/29/2010 - 07:21 pm Title: Chapter 21

hey??? wheres the rest!?? please say theres a sequel to this!! really enjoy your style of writing. :)

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. There is a sequel in the works, but I'm not currently working on it.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous Date: 12/19/2010 - 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 21

just finished reading the series! im a little late, but been busy . And it was great - although im kinda worried at the ending - im DYING to know what spike agreed to to get angel's okay. i mean the whole biting and mine thing makes me think spike probly agreed not to bite buffy - esp since he was all about marking her wo biting at the end. and if that was the agreement - so not fair. angel needs to get the F over himself and back the F out of their lives. sorry not an angel fan. but really would love to hear your version of their talk - either way reveal or not - thanks for sharing! peace!

Author's Response: If/when I do a sequel, I'll have to reveal what Spike promised Angel. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed this part. Thanks for taking the time to say so.

Reviewer: Queenfish Anonymous Date: 06/13/2010 - 12:46 pm Title: One

Brilliant story, thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Still love the whole 'Something Blue' era and it's great to read a well written story that expands and makes more of the episode.

Author's Response: Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it. :)

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Date: 06/12/2010 - 01:40 am Title: Chapter 21

Love a happy ending, but what did Spike Promise Angel!?! Would love to know. But more happy that they are getting to love each other as long as they care to. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked it. :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Date: 06/11/2010 - 11:44 am Title: Chapter 21

Fun when they were teasing Spike; he didn't expect to find there was another book about him, huh?
*pout* But Spike didn't tell! I'm really curious now. Vampire stuff and rituals.... mmmmh you have to lift this secret some day. ;)

Author's Response: I might... someday. :) I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: magnus374 Anonymous Date: 06/11/2010 - 06:52 am Title: Chapter 21

This have been a great story, wellwritten and amusing. The story have a playful feeling, that is really nice.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.