Reviewer: moncler outlet center
Date: 11/19/2013 - 05:56 pm
Title: Risk The Pain
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Reviewer: Jessica
Date: 12/05/2006 - 04:41 pm
Title: Living a Lie
Loved this story. So much better than canon. ; ) Very sweet.
Author's Response: I think so too. The original written version that I did ended the last chapter the way Afterlife actually ended on screen. When I began revising it, I decided I wanted to hold out for a little more hope, so I changed it around to my current liking :)
Reviewer: klylu Signed
Date: 12/04/2006 - 07:32 am
Title: Working Through
buffy finally together with his mom it's sweet & tender... and funny. lol
and so she thinks to be a vampire, right? well... given her history, that's an obvious conclusion...
Author's Response: Not to mention one of her biggest nightmares... as evidence by Season 1's "Nightmares." Buffy's biggest fear, aside from her dad not loving her (which unfortunately has been a given since the minute he disappeared on the show) is becoming a vampire and having to crawl from her own grave. I think her panic attack was well worth it.
Reviewer: klylu Signed
Date: 12/04/2006 - 07:14 am
Title: Risk The Pain
wow! i loved this first chap! buffy's rambling during her jump (and her death) are really believable. i liked listen to her while she realized the intensity of spike's feelings.
the last line could have been funny... but maybe it's just a little tragic...
Author's Response: Unfortunately, given how meddling her friends became, it's more on the side of tragic :( But she didn't know it at the time. Poor Buffy. Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed!
Reviewer: Liv
Date: 12/02/2006 - 11:03 pm
Title: Working Through
lovin it...
Author's Response: Thank you!
Reviewer: rosie
Date: 12/02/2006 - 10:50 pm
Title: Working Through
can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!! :D
Author's Response: Heh, glad you're excited about it :)