Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/30/2009 - 05:36 pm
Title: In the Mirror
In my eyes Buffy did it at some point, apologizing to Spike. They should have shown it on the show, too.
I like the idea of doing more 'fill in the blanks'.
Author's Response: There was nothing to ever indicate that. In fact, she was down right callous at some points in s7...
But I'm glad you liked my FitB. Hopefully there will be more.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 07/30/2009 - 10:26 am
Title: In the Mirror
Like it. I always felt uncomfortable with the way Buffy held the 'bathroom scene' against Spike when he came back when she had never apologised for the appalling way she had treated him. Not the behaviour of a righteous hero. This apology went a long way to redress that.
Of course it also raises the issue of the way Angel was treated after having his soul thrust back into him against his will compared with the way Spike was treated after seeking his out. Probably the most unfair thing in the entire series.
Author's Response: Yeah...there were many Spike/Buffy scenes that made me unhappy or uncomfortable or in s7.
I think there was a lot of hypocrisy amongst the core characters on the show. I particularly was disgusted by the fact that nearly all of the Scoobies referred to Spike pre soul not as Spike, but as "William the Bloody" as if there was some sort of personality disconnect like there was with Angel.
Thanks so much for reviewing :D
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 07/30/2009 - 02:34 am
Title: In the Mirror
Lovely. Do hope for more moments like this.
Author's Response: Thank you. I hope I can deliver ;)