Reviewer: Sara
Date: 03/12/2016 - 04:45 pm
Title: StandAlone
Good story, thanks for sharing :)
Reviewer: jamies_lady
Date: 08/19/2007 - 06:34 am
Title: StandAlone
way to see what happens next
Reviewer: turnedbyspike Signed
Date: 10/08/2006 - 01:46 am
Title: StandAlone
ooh, that was excellent! One of my ultimate favorite fics! I absolutely loved it. Buffy and Spike stuck in an elevator...what a perfect premise! and you wrote it brilliantly. maybe you could write a sequel....pretty please? :-)
Reviewer: Devils_at_play Signed
Date: 01/16/2005 - 02:42 am
Title: StandAlone
That was so surprised my computer didnt steam
Reviewer: EnglishChocolate
Date: 05/08/2004 - 08:51 am
Title: StandAlone
I second that motion. Don't get me wrong i really love some of the post chip stories. But pre chip stories just seem to have a little more ooomph. Everything is a little more raw and natural. LoL and i love it. If you have any more sotries please let us know i'd love to read em. Specially and pre chipped stuff. And if u do any more in the future again let us know. It'd be a crime for us not to be able to read it. :)
Author's Response: More of my stuff - I have 30+ fictions of all seasons - can be found at my website:
Reviewer: kms
Date: 03/08/2004 - 03:15 pm
Title: StandAlone
Ay carumba! That was indescribably hot!!! Must fan self now......:) You know, I really love the fics where hotness occurs when Spike doesn't have the chip yet and he & Buffy still "try" to kill each other on a regular basis. The combustion seems all the hotter sometimes. I just loved this fic!!!
Author's Response: I whole-heartedly agree! They're always the funest to write as well, 'cause there is no S5/6/7 baggage!