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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviews For King of Hearts
Reviewer: Shardallinee Signed Date: 08/30/2010 - 12:53 pm Title: The tables turned

i just read the finnished version of this story at the Nocturnal Light... LOVED IT! :)
the plot and description of the sights is amazing and i wish i would go there some time soon to see those things myself :)
this is one of my favourites fics! :)

Reviewer: Verda Anonymous Date: 02/09/2007 - 03:52 am Title: The tables turned

Had to come here again since they close down AFF at 4 o'clock every morning, here US eastern time. You've only got to ch. 6 here, so I hope they've finished with the site so I can continue to read. Are you going to see James this spring? Thought I'd ask since you are a fan. Great chapter. But I can't wait for Dru to meet Buffy. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: buffypurple12 Signed Date: 05/28/2006 - 09:15 pm Title: The tables turned

lol! This story is awesome!

My Mum suggested I apply for a job in the palace once... I would love it if I had and all of a sudden it was announced that James Marsters was the new King of England. lol!

Reviewer: jane Anonymous Date: 02/06/2006 - 07:01 am Title: The tables turned

i really am enjoying this story.please update soon

Author's Response: I'm sorry I'm a bit behind with updates at this archive, but I'm trying to catch up. I'm registered with too many archives and often I'm too lazy to update everywhere at the same time. If you don't want to wait, visit my site http://www.buffythevampirelayer.com for all remaining chapters of KoH.

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous Date: 10/04/2005 - 12:02 am Title: The tables turned


Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 03:31 pm Title: The tables turned

great job. i'm loving this story like crazy. keep up the great work. loved it. post soon. keep up the great work.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 03:30 pm Title: The tables turned

great updates keep up the good work

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 03:07 pm Title: The tables turned

Can't wait to find out what happens to Spike and Buffy! Please update!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 03:00 pm Title: The ambassador's visit

i can't believe spike is doing this to her. i mean, i know what buffy did was wrong...oh never mind. it was wrong and she shouldn't have done it. i wonder what's gonna happen next. loved it. great job.

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 02:47 pm Title: The ambassador's visit

Still lovin' it!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 02:44 pm Title: So happy, Mr Bradley!

spike is an ass but i do understand where he's coming from. hope he makes it right. him and buffy belong together. loved it. great job.

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 02:28 pm Title: Night Swimming

well, as always spike's secret came back to bite him in the ass....hard. wonder how buffy's gonna approach him about it. this is gonna be very interesting. loved it. great job.

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 02:14 pm Title: So happy, Mr Bradley!

*clapping* Well done! Love it and it keeps getting better!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 02:09 pm Title: When Spike Met Buffy...

i love that movie too. glad you used it in this chapter. that was soooo funny. great job. post soon.

Reviewer: blondieberar Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 01:55 pm Title: The Rightful Heir

interesting. loved it. post soon. great job.

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Date: 10/02/2005 - 01:54 pm Title: The Rightful Heir

interesting. loved it. great job. post soon.

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 09/28/2005 - 04:44 pm Title: Night Swimming

OMG you gotta add more! Can't wait!

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 09/28/2005 - 04:28 pm Title: When Spike Met Buffy...

Loved this chapter!

Reviewer: Carmie Anonymous Date: 09/28/2005 - 04:13 pm Title: The Rightful Heir

Oh God! This fic totally rocks!

Reviewer: EmmaKaycee Anonymous Date: 05/21/2005 - 01:39 am Title: Night Swimming

Very good story. Please update more frequently. This is one of the best wips I've read in months. I'll put in a prayer to your muse and tell him or her to start working harder. (:

Author's Response: Sorry it takes me so long to update all archive entries regularly. I often post stories at my own website weeks before I get to post it elsewhere. If you join my newsgroup or have a look at my website, you'll get to see a new chapter as soon as the ink has dried.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Date: 04/10/2005 - 05:28 pm Title: Night Swimming


Reviewer: bex makes u fly Anonymous Date: 03/29/2005 - 03:45 pm Title: Night Swimming

i love this story and i can unsuprisingly say that i have become addicted! i mean who wouldnt with this amazing work! loved the fake orgasm scene and the way spuike reacted it was brilliant! please do more soon..now..this second!!ill look forward to ur next chapter soon!!

Reviewer: Loxie Anonymous Date: 03/29/2005 - 03:18 pm Title: Night Swimming

update soon! can't wait to

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous Date: 03/29/2005 - 02:00 pm Title: Night Swimming

I love that second to last line ""I had a hard time taking care of our new monarch." "Yeah, me too," Buffy murmured. Great story. This sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.

Reviewer: Caitie Signed Date: 03/29/2005 - 01:21 pm Title: Night Swimming

Oh my gosh - what a horrible way for Buffy to find out! Anyways, I found thi fic and I totally love it now1 Please post the next chapter soon, causeI can't wait for more!