Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 08/12/2012 - 08:17 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Very cute!
Author's Response: Glad you liked! :D
Thanks for the review, ScarlettDuck! *smoooch*
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 03/31/2010 - 08:54 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Buffy shoulda knocked ALL her teeth out! Do you think Cecily will be working at the Doublemeat Palace soon? LOL! Good Story!
Author's Response: I considered letting Buffy just beat the snot out of Cecily, but I settled on just the one good punch lol It's fun to think of Cecily flipping burgers, ain't it? :D
Glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for the sweet reviews! *smoochies*
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 03/31/2010 - 06:00 pm
Title: Chapter 7
GO WILLIAM! hoo-hoo-hoo!! YEAH!!
Author's Response: :D Buffy helped him grow a new pair of big bollocks heehee Maybe I should've had William, Buffy, and Cecily have the big showdown on the Jerry Springer Show lol
Thanks for the review, hon! *smoochies*
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 03/31/2010 - 04:16 pm
Title: Chapter 6
Oh, you evil girl!! You had me worried there a minute with the tears! That's not nice at all! Liked how they made up, though! Yummy!
Author's Response: lol Yes, I can be evil too >:D
I wanted readers to think there might be a chapter or two of misunderstanding and mopeyness. But, in the end, I was merciful heehee
Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *hugggles*
Author's Response: lol Yes, I can be evil too >:D
I wanted readers to think there might be a chapter or two of misunderstanding and mopeyness. But, in the end, I was merciful heehee
Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *hugggles*
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 03/30/2010 - 11:36 am
Title: Chapter 4
wooo - hoooo! Could I get a glass of ice water . . . or a cold shower . . . or William???!!
Author's Response: *giggles* I'm glad you're enjoying! William's so damn yummy :P
Thank you for the review, sweetie! *hugggles*
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed
Date: 03/30/2010 - 08:53 am
Title: Chapter 2
Oooo . . . . sounds like poor William definately needs a little love from Buffy! I hope she cuddles afterwards!!
Author's Response: Mmhmm William needs some TLC, and Buffy's happy to provide it ;) heehee
Thanks for reviewing, P4S! *smoochies*
Reviewer: Sam
Date: 08/03/2009 - 04:50 am
Title: Chapter 8
Nice story. Glad to see Cecily got what she deserved - nothing! Really enjoyed reading.
Author's Response: :D Thanks, Sam! Cecily only has herself to blame for her misfortunes. Too bad she was such a bitca, she could've had it all lol
I'm happy you enjoyed reading the story! :D Thanks for reading and reviewing, hon! *smooch*
Reviewer: laura_exist2inspire
Date: 07/24/2009 - 06:47 am
Title: Chapter 8
Aww what a lovely ending to a great story, loved it =D keep a' typin please
Author's Response: Thank you, Laura! :D I'm so glad you liked the story, I had fun writing it :) I've got a new one just started that I hope you'll enjoy too
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! *huggles*
Reviewer: spikeluv84
Date: 07/24/2009 - 02:07 am
Title: Chapter 8
ooooh u know what my favorite part of that was!!! c'mon! she knocked her tooth loose!! one of my dreams were fulfilled!!
this was a great ending chapter. i loved that you put more than just the great, story-ending sex in there. they actually went and helped people. imaginary people but still.
LMAO i just wish i was there for the fallout and Zoccola had to end up on the street! now that would've been very sweet! i would've drove by laughing at her ass!
can't wait for the next story! YOU'RE THE BOMB!! (and you have no shame at mentally endowing Spike like a horse! LOL)
Author's Response: lol I knew you'd enjoy the punching scene :P It was fun to write too! Buffy packs a wallop for a little gal heehee I didn't add another smut scene 'cos I figured I'd done enought already for this story lol What with the 2 chapters of divan sex and then the bedroom stuff hehe
Aww heehee thank you, sweetie! And you're so right, I have no compunctions about endowing Spike with the c@$% of a thoroghbred stallion =D
Thanks for the sweet reviews, hon! I loves 'em! *smoochies*
Reviewer: Kiera Thornton Signed
Date: 07/24/2009 - 12:23 am
Title: Chapter 8
Awww! I loved this :D So glad Cecily got what was coming to her. I'm sure she'll have a spot reserved for her at Micky D's sometime in the next five years ;P A little sad to see it over with no more smutty goodness, but I really enjoyed it while it lasted. :) Great job with this! *big hugs*
Author's Response: lol Sorry for not adding one more romp in Kenya :P But I'm glad you were happy with how the story ended.
Picturing Cecily wearing a paper hat and flipping burgers is a fun image, isn't it? heehee
Thanks for reading and reviewing (and enjoying!), hon! *Smooch*
Reviewer: Brett
Date: 07/23/2009 - 07:54 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Loved this story. Great job on writing it PB.
Author's Response: *Snuggles with Brett* Thanks, sweetie! Glad you enjoyed it, I had fun writing it too :D
Thanks for reviewing, hon! *Smoochies*
Reviewer: sus
Date: 07/23/2009 - 06:28 pm
Title: Chapter 8
I do love your human stories, they might be even better then your vamp stories. I couldn't stop reading it.
Author's Response: Thank you, sus :) I didn't realize just how many of my stories are AU until recently lol I seem to have more fun doing AU than Buffyverse. I'm happy you liked the story :D I hope you like my future ones just as much *Hugs*
Thanks for reading and reviewing, hon! *smooch*
Reviewer: shortstuff
Date: 07/23/2009 - 05:08 pm
Title: Chapter 8
So, um, what's your day job then? I'm guessing you write scripts for porn movies? Blue Heaven or something, right? Because, damn, your writing is graphic! But definitely no complaints!
AU is not usually my personal preference but I will always make an exception for your stories. Total entertaining, you succeed where so many fail; combining porn with plot and not milking the story.
Author's Response: Aww thank you, shortstuff! It's very flattering that you aren't normally a big AU fan but make exceptions for my stories :D
heehee I've considered looking for work in the porn industry - as a writer, of course :P It would definitely be an interesting way to earn a living lol I do so enjoy writing the graphic smut, I'm glad it's appreciated ;)
Thank you for the review and the wonderful compliments! *hugs & smoochies*
Reviewer: Stephanie Renee
Date: 07/23/2009 - 12:25 am
Title: Chapter 4
OMFG that was possibly the HOTEST sex scene along with chapter 5 that I have EVER read once again OMFG you have got to right more like this!!!! I have already read the story to the end but came back because you earned some praise for these two chapters lol OMFG, I liked it so much I wish they had a HELL YES option on the "do you recommend this story?" thing!!!!!
Author's Response: Wow thank you, Stephanie Renee! I love your enthusiasm, and you gave me a great big smile with your review - See: =D
Author's Response: Hmm, I wrote more but it got cut off somehow. Here's the rest of what I wanted to say:
I do try to make the smut as hot as possible :P It's great to hear that I succeeded heehee I've written over 20 other NC-17 fics like this one, you can check out my Author page to peruse the titles. You may find one or two that tickle your fancy ;)
Thanks for your awesome review! I can't tell you how flattering it is for me to get such wonderful feedback *Hugs & Smoochies*
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 07/22/2009 - 11:57 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Glad they made their way to happily every after and that Cecily got her's in spades. Lovely little tale.
Author's Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it, BuffyRat :D I wanted to end this story in a totally satisfying way with no cliffhangers lol
Thank you for all the sweet reviews! *Smooooooch!*
Reviewer: xoChantelly
Date: 07/22/2009 - 09:55 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Awwww! I loved it! That is so sweet! You should follow up with a onshot of their honeymoon!
I loved the part about Cecily getting punched in the face, swindled out of her money and having to go back to live with her parents. I think it was like poetic justic lol. Awesome.
I just know that William and Buffy will be happy now. They both got what they wanted. I really enjoyed reading this fic, it was awesome! *hugs and smoochies!*
Author's Response: *Hugs and twirls* Thanks, Chan! I love that you loved it :D heehee Cecily got some Karmic (and poetic) justice all right :P Our happy couple will live happily ever after now that they've banished the wicked witch :D
Hmm, hadn't thought about a honeymoon followup, but I will ponder it now :)
Thank you for all of the reviewy goodness you've given me, sweetie! I luvs ya! *Smoochies*
Reviewer: Jenn
Date: 07/22/2009 - 08:18 pm
Title: Chapter 8
That was perfect. I loved how Cecily got what she deserved that was awesome. I l iked how you ended it that made it that much better.
Author's Response: Thank you, Jenn! I'm glad you're pleased with the finished product :D It was a lot of fun to write this story, and very satisfying to have Cecily get totally burned lol
Thank you for all of your great reviews, I loved 'em, and they encouraged me to write more *Smoochies*
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 07/22/2009 - 07:36 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Awesome fic! Glad Buffy took a swing at Cecily! I'll miss this!
Author's Response: Aww, thanks, PhotographyNut! *smooches* I'm glad you had fun reading it =D
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/22/2009 - 05:09 pm
Title: Chapter 8
I just reviewed the last chapter so I could give it the thumbs up. Next time I check if the review is really there.
Buffy is sharing her life with William, helping him. That's another thing that Cecily didn't do. But that's her loss. Oh yeah, her karma was bad. Who cares after how she treated William? ;)
Good to see it end well. Loved the way it ended.
Author's Response: Thanks for readin and reviewin each and every chapter, hon, you're awesome! You really understand how important getting feedback is to writers *BIG HUGS*
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the ride :D Cecily didn't die (as some readers had hoped lol) but she *did* get her comeuppance :P I think it's better for her to have to live and suffer lol And you're totally right about Buffy sharing those parts of William's life, and being the opposite of Cecily. Just further evidence that Fate wanted Buffy and William together the whole time :D
Thank you again for being such a sweet and loyal reviewer! *Smoooochies*
Reviewer: CallMeKitten Signed
Date: 07/22/2009 - 04:55 pm
Title: Chapter 8
*sobs* such a good story, such a great ending, Loved Buffy's determination, William's being naive, Cecily's bitchiness, all fun. And the sex! wooohoo hot stuff!
You rock, and I cant wait to read your next amazing fic!
Author's Response: *snogs* Thank you, Buttercup! I'm so glad you had fun reading it :D You helped me so much during the process, I was able to git 'er done with your advice and support *Huggggggs*
I'm working on a few others at the mo' that I have a hunch you'll enjoy as well ;) *Love & Kisses*
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/22/2009 - 04:49 pm
Title: Chapter 7
I knew I've read that chapter but my review is gone. Sadly I can't remember what I've wrote. *sniff*
So I just give you an I enjoyed the chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you, ck *Huggs* I don't know what happened with the last chapter - some crazy stuff with it getting posted double and twice, and then I couldn't respond to your review. At least everything seems okay with the final chapter.
Thanks for the review, sweetie *Big smoochies* I'm happy you enjoyed it :D
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 07/22/2009 - 04:42 pm
Title: Chapter 8
OMG I loved the ending Pagan. GO Buffy! Loved how she punched the Evilbitch and knocked her tooth loose, and Geoffrey fleeced her and now she's practically penniless, and friendless. LOL Karma's a BITCH!! Loved Buffy and William's honeymooon in Kenya helping out and doing good. I loved this sweet William.
Favorite line--> I'm just lucky that having to fuck you for two years didn't give his dick frostbite, LOL
And Giles singing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" At the reception.
Great story PB! Can't wait for your next one. OK I'm a demanding bitch..are you working on anything new? *smoochies*
Author's Response: *Hugs & squishes* Thank you, AMI! You've been so great, reviewing each chapter. I appreciate it very much :)
heehee Cecily got served :P She reaped what she had sowed, and ended up how she deserved - I'm glad you thought so too :D I loved this sweet William too, he practically had a halo above his head lol If it weren't for the cheating and getting freaky on a velvet couch with Buffy... ;)
hehehe That was one of my favorite lines too :P And yep, Giles was jubiliant at the wedding lol
As a matter of fact, I do have another short AU fic almost ready for posting. Another William/Buffy, but there's no cheating in that one lol Just 2 horny people who... well you'll see ;)
Thanks so much for the compliments and reviews! :D You're a sweetie! *smooooochies*
Author's Response: *Hugs & squishes* Thank you, AMI! You've been so great, reviewing each chapter. I appreciate it very much :)
heehee Cecily got served :P She reaped what she had sowed, and ended up how she deserved - I'm glad you thought so too :D I loved this sweet William too, he practically had a halo above his head lol If it weren't for the cheating and getting freaky on a velvet couch with Buffy... ;)
hehehe That was one of my favorite lines too :P And yep, Giles was jubiliant at the wedding lol
As a matter of fact, I do have another short AU fic almost ready for posting. Another William/Buffy, but there's no cheating in that one lol Just 2 horny people who... well you'll see ;)
Thanks so much for the compliments and reviews! :D You're a sweetie! *smooooochies*
Reviewer: cal
Date: 07/22/2009 - 04:07 pm
Title: Chapter 8
I'm the first to review. That is perfect timing that I came on here because you probably just posted this story. Great ending and you know I love it, Pagan. I think it was a great idea that you ended it with them helping out people. That was so sweet. I was hoping that that Buffy got to kick Cecily's ass. You didn't disappoint with that. Buffy sure gave Cecily what she deserve. I was thinking that was going to be a cat fight for some reason. LOL I'm glad that Cecily didn't get much money and that she got played by Geoffrey. She had all that coming. I wouldn't mind reading more of this William and buffy later. If you ever feel like making another series of it.
You know I will be waiting for whatever you post next. I know it will be wonderful like all your other stories.
Author's Response: *Smooches* Thanks, Cal! I'm happy that you're happy with how it ended :D I originally didn't have a scene with Buffy decking Cecily, but I just *had* to go back in and add one lol I thought about having it be a real knockdown-drag out, but settled for one damn good punch heehee Cecily wound up being alone, friendless, and unloved - exactly what her behavior warranted. In RL, we don't often get to see horrible people getting what they deserve, so I was keen to do that in this story :)
I'll keep the idea of a sequel in mind for this Buffy and William :D Thank you so much for your sweet reviews, Cal! Love ya! *hugs & kisses*
Reviewer: Tammy
Date: 07/22/2009 - 04:04 pm
Title: Chapter 8
Author's Response: heehee Thanks! :D
Reviewer: Darknight Signed
Date: 07/20/2009 - 06:15 pm
Title: Chapter 6
Loved this chapter! great job PB.
Author's Response: :D Thanks, sweetie! Glad you liked *smooches*
Author's Response: :D Thanks, sweetie! Glad you liked *smooches*