Reviewer: jane
Date: 05/21/2005 - 04:58 am
Title: Mid Morning Musings
Yay liking this more please.
Reviewer: GoldenAngl99
Date: 01/28/2005 - 11:14 pm
Title: Mid Morning Musings
Alright, I found All That's Good and Bad and started reading it and got hooked. I read the whole thing then the sequel and then the two chapters of this right through and it just gets better and better as it goes. I love your writing anf I love the relationships you've formed between the various scoobies and Spike. I always thought that their was the potential for strong friendships to form between both Spike and Anya and Spike and Willow especially after what Willow did when Tara died in season six. I just love the friendship between Dawn and Spike as well. The way you've had Spike finally be accepted by the scoobies was so sweet and the wonderful relationship that Buffy and Spike have finally developed...I just love it. Things between Spike and Angel have always been complicated and I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress with things now that they two of them are going to have to work things out or at least agree to put the past behind them for the sake of the upcoming apocalypse. I'm also interested to know whats going to happen when the potentials arrive in Sunnydale. I think this series is one of my all time favorites. I can't wait to find out what comes next. The polt twists are great and it keeps me wondering as to what will come next. I love that! Great series and I hope to see more soon.
Reviewer: tayhaangel Signed
Date: 08/28/2004 - 11:46 pm
Title: Prologue
i really like this trilogy. please keep going as i love to see spike win over angel, over and over again