Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/17/2010 - 01:31 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
Love playing with the crossed wires. Brilliant. Gotta wonder why Angel thinks he can do all these things to our couple. Bastard. Awaiting baby. It's so easy to forget Buffy is majorly preggers through all of this chaos! Update soon!
Author's Response: Hi Buffyrat! Glad you liked it! Angel just never learns, does he? Maybe this time, he will. Was gonna post baby today, but site was read only earlier - haven't checked lately. But Baby will be coming soon! Thanks again for reading and for stopping in here! I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.17
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/13/2010 - 04:48 pm
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
Oh wow! Damn Angel, he's always interfering in Spuffy's life. :( I'm glad to see the other Spike and Buffy are still happy tho.
I wonder what B did to Angel? I hope it's nice and painful....and i want them to get their bond back, pretty plz? With chocolate covered Spike on top? Oh Damn, that's a yummy thought.:)
Hope this feeds that adorable blue-eyed muse of yours.
Loved it, can't wait for the baby to come. :)
Author's Response: Hi AMI! Oh, yea, Pretty Plz with choc covered Spike defiinately gets my muse's attention . . .AND MINE! {{{excuse me while I have a choc covered Spike moment . . . .. . . ahhhhh}}} Ok- I'm back!! LOL!
Now, what were we talking about . . .? Oh yeah, Angel! Damn him! We'll find out a bit more about what B and F did to him soon, along with baby goodness, too!
Thanks soooo much for reading and dropping me luv notes! I truly love your reviews and so does my cutie pie of a muse!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: Bridget
Date: 06/13/2010 - 09:49 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
Angel really is rotten. I really don't have any idea where he is. Great story. Anxiously await the next one.
Author's Response: Hi Bridget - No worries - I'll tell you soon! The promise she made Angel if he f'd with her family again was a LONG time ago . . . Will have the next one soon!
Thanks so much for reading and posting here! I love hearing from you!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: westwingwolf Signed
Date: 06/13/2010 - 06:00 am
Title: Freckle Boy, Chapter 1
I just reread what Buffy promised she would to do Angel. I guess this dimension's Wes won't go out fishing for Angel, and I really hope Gunn and Cordy never find him. I hope one of Spike's Christmas presents is the Gem as I'm sure Buffy was only trying to keep people away from her family, and what better way than to make them search for someone they'll never find. So are they going to redo the bond? They should get to if they haven't already. More Spuffy happiness!
Author's Response: Hi Westwingwolf! No, I don't think Wesley will go fishing for him, that's for sure. Gunn and Cordy, I don't know . . . maybe Buffy can make them see the light . . .
I love all your ideas for the Gem and getting it back to Spike . . .. I don't want to disappoint you, but it'll probably be a while before that happens . . . although your arguments for why he should keep it are extremely convincing, I must say! I promise to get it back to him one day, ok?
Thanks so much for reading and leaving me notes - I love your ideas! I really love hearing from you!!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: westwingwolf Signed
Date: 06/13/2010 - 05:50 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
So Angel set up the whole thing with the tape and Annie's kidnapping because he knew what would happen and he wanted to make it look like Buffy could rely on him more than she could rely on Spike? Yeah, that bastard Angel would do that. I hope he is dust. I hope he was tortured then dusted. Yay happy Spuffy ending! You know it's a good thing Spike has Buffy because I'm not sure I could love him more than chocolate. That's not a slight against Spike; I just really love chocolate.
Author's Response: Hi Westwingwolf! Well, we're not sure yet just how much Angel did . . . but certainly broke the bond . . . how much of the rest he did we'll find out soon. He's really been a thorn in their side, that's for darn sure!
Love chocolate more than Spike, huh? Well, how about chocolate covered Spike . . . how would that work for you? ;-) I kinda like that image . . . yummmm . . . .
Thanks for reading and reviewing - -you've got some great ideas! I love hearing from you!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: magnus374
Date: 06/13/2010 - 02:17 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
Good story.
Author's Response: HI Magnus! Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and posting here . . . I do love hearing from you!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: Blue Eyes
Date: 06/13/2010 - 12:57 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
I love the whole chocolate scenario comment. I can't wait to understand how and why Angel did what he did but more importantly I hope Cordy and Gunn find out so they can understand.
Author's Response: Hi Blue Eyes! Glad you liked the chocolate covered Spike thought . . .mmmmmmmm . . . . {{oh, excuse me - got a little carried away there!}} LOL! Will have more soon - plus the baby!
Thanks so much for reading and posting here! I do love hearing from you!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: Inwen Signed
Date: 06/13/2010 - 12:52 am
Title: More Than Chocolate, Chapter 8
OMG! Totally can't wait for the follow up to this! Stupid Angel...he never learns not to mess with Buffy in this universe...and I love Spike more than chocolate for sure! *wink*
Author's Response: Hi Inwen! I'd have to agree, I'd give up Chocolate for Spike. . . . but chocolate COVERED Spike . . .well, that would be the best of everything, wouldn't it!? ;-)
Angel never will learn! Our Buffy may not be the bitca that the other one was . . . but she's not gonna take any crap, either - and not taking anyone messing with her family, for sure.
Thanks for reading and posting here! I love hearing from you! More to come soon!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.13
Reviewer: magnus374
Date: 06/12/2010 - 07:00 pm
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
She's free now, good.
Author's Response: Hi magnus! Shoooo. . .. they got Annie out ok! Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here! I love hearing from you! More to come! -Passion4spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: westwingwolf Signed
Date: 06/12/2010 - 03:53 pm
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
First of all, yay for Annie being safe and unharmed! Second, No, No, No to Spike losing the gem. Yes, I get the danger it involves, but Spike gets good things with it, like being able to see Annie in the sun. With good comes bad, but he's got to focus on the good because bad and danger to Annie is always going to be there. The best way to help her is to be able to go out in the day when she can be kidnapped again for other reasons. And they can cherish the moments when bad things don't happen like taking Annie to the park or taking her to school and other daytime activities. So can't they just find a way to make it permanently a part of his body, preferably without asking W&H who I'm sure are behind the other stuff (if it isn't Angel)? While I think Spike's giving up the gem is for more noble reasons than when Angel did it, I still want him to be smarter in the end and giving up the ring is just stupid. Money could be used for bad things, people hurt other people for money, but it can also be used for good things, and not many would give it up if they had the chance to have it, so I don't follow the 'I have to give it up just because something bad might happen or happen again' attitude. Total happiness for Spike, Buffy, and Annie all around!
Author's Response: Hi Westingwolf! Wow - you have some great arguments there for keeping the ring and a great idea for somehow making it a permanent part of him - Maybe Willow and Tara can figure out a way to do that magically and leave W&H out of it. . . I'll have to see what I can do about that in the future . . . There may be hope for that plan down the road . . . . without giving too much away - I don't think the ring actually gets destroyed . . .just put somewhere for 'safekeeping' and it may be able to come out of safekeeping one day . . ..
Thanks so much for reading and for the great ideas! I won't forget them - trust me! .
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: Inwen Signed
Date: 06/12/2010 - 02:45 pm
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
I love how you had Spike's theory of having the head cut off while wearing the ring tested, but not actually having to do it on Spike...epic. And I'm glad that they got Annie back safely *sigh of relief*. Only sad face is for losing the sunshine....pooo. Update soon!
Author's Response: Hi Inwen! Thanks for noticing that head chopping thing - remembering things from so long ago . . .(or it seems like long ago!) - very cool of you! Yeah, I totally didn't want Spike testing that one out! LOL! Sorry about losing the sunshine . . . I don't see how Spike would keep it and risk his family . . ..
Thanks so much for reading and posting here! I love hearing from you!!
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/12/2010 - 02:31 pm
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
Poor Lorne lol...I'm so glad that beheading doesn't kill him. And Yay! for the kicking of Marcus's ass! I love overprotective Daddy! Spike. That was a good fight scene too.
I don't want Spike to give up the Gem, but I guess he has to. :( The loss of the link between B/S has me worried. Can't wait to see what happened there.
Great chappie once again, plz post more soon! :)
Author's Response: Hi AMI! Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked the chapter . . . I don't want Spike to give it up either, but I don't think he'll keep it . . .maybe they can figure something out that doesn't totally destroy it . . .
Will post soon and see if we can find out what happened to their bond . . . .
Thanks again! I love hearing from you!! .
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 06/12/2010 - 01:19 am
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
Love that a headless Lorne saved the day. Now we just need to figure out why they can't communicate anymore. Please, update soon.
Author's Response: Hi Buffyrat! Don't ya just love Lorne!? Good thing he's got that Deathwok Clan thing going for him so he could save the day! Will update with more answers soon, I promise! Thanks so much for reading and for all your reviews! I really look forward to them! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: Sibb
Date: 06/12/2010 - 01:15 am
Title: More Than Freckles, Chapter 7
Yeah!!! But now--what about the tape and the blocking between their minds? Answers, answers!
Author's Response: Hi Sibb! LOL! Gosh, I'm working on it! LOL! More to come!! Soon, I promise!! Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here to chat! I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.12
Reviewer: Bridget
Date: 06/10/2010 - 10:05 pm
Title: Most Vile Creature, Chapter 6
Well now that I know who it is. I hope as in the other dimension Marcus is killed and no harm comes to Annie or Lorne.
Author's Response: Hi Bridget! We can only hope! He's one bad dude! Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here to chat! I love hearing from you!! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.11
Reviewer: Inwen
Date: 06/10/2010 - 06:49 pm
Title: Most Vile Creature, Chapter 6
Great chapter...I love how you bring back characters in unexpected ways...and this was a good one. I hope you let Spike keep the gem some way though...I like freckle boy!
Author's Response: Hi Inwen! Thanks so much - that's really a wonderful compliment: "bring back characters in unexpected ways" I love that! I'm glad you're enjoying the story . . . . I love freckle boy, too - -- I don't know what's gonna happen with the Gem. He may have to give it to Marcus to get Annie back . . . we'll see . .. soon - I promise!
Thanks so much for reading and posting here - I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.10
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/10/2010 - 04:44 pm
Title: Most Vile Creature, Chapter 6
Oh this is so good, and scary to think that Marcus has poor Annie. I'm happy Spike and Buffy are OK again and working together.:) Hope the gang finds something soon.
Anya cracks me the hell up. We needed that bit in this tense chappie.
More soon plz! :)
Author's Response: Hi AMI! I'm glad you liked it! I LOVE Anya . . . I'm glad she can help break that tension up a bit . . . she is great! Man, that Marcus is a bad dude . . . esp. with Annie! Hopefully, something will break soon - I hate for the whole next chapter to just be everyone sitting around waiting for dawn to come . . . especially if Spike is so worried that he can't even get it u . . .. :O
Thanks for reading and posting here - I love hearing from you!! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.10
Reviewer: Inwen Signed
Date: 06/09/2010 - 05:02 pm
Title: Drunk and Disorderly
Love this series, and I'm so glad they found Spike...*sigh of relief* update soon!
Author's Response: Hi Inwen! Oh, thank you so much! I'm glad you're loving the series! I love writing it and it really helps knowing that I'm not the only one that likes this Spuffy couple and their life. I'll update soon, I promise!
Thanks, again!! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.09
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/09/2010 - 04:24 pm
Title: Drunk and Disorderly
Thank god they found Spike...and he was locked up, not off in a huff, lol. I knew Spike wouldn't do that.:) More questions tho. Evil author. ;) "No Name" Arizona. *snorfle* I wonder if the Sheriff/ Judge/ Whatever the hell else he is, is in on whatever happened to Annie, and Spike being arrested?
I'm worried about the link too. Why is their connection lost? aghhh...
LOVE this series. Post more soon plz. :)
Author's Response: Hi AMI! LOL! The evil author answers one question only to create more questions . . . bad, bad evil P4S!! ;-) Not everyone was so sure that Spike wasn't off in a huff - glad you weren't fooled!
Will post more soon, I promise!!
Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here - I so love hearing from you, AMI!! Evil tho I may be . . . {{muhahahahahaha}}
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.09
Reviewer: magnus374 Signed
Date: 06/09/2010 - 09:34 am
Title: Drunk and Disorderly
Atleast something stopped him from contacting Buffy.
Author's Response: Hi Magnus! {sigh} Yeah, at least he wasn't being a big baby! Maybe now they can get some answers about Annie (and Lorne) together . . . . Thanks for reading and stopping in here to chat! I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.09
Reviewer: Bridget
Date: 06/08/2010 - 11:12 pm
Title: Drunk and Disorderly
I am glad that Buffy found Spike but there are so many questions that need to be answered. Please update soon. Love the story.
Author's Response: Hi Bridget! Oh yeah, so many questions still - who has Annie? What happened to their bond? I'll update soon and try to find the answers . . . Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here to talk! I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.09
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/08/2010 - 08:15 pm
Title: Please Come Home, Chapter 4
OMG,OMG! Spike where are you? I believe in our vamp..I don't think he'd go off and leave Annie cause he's mad at Buffy, something must have happened to him. Poor Annie, and's so sad. Things aren't getting better at all. :( I hope Annie is OK. *crosses fingers*
btw's pretty icky to have Buffy with Angel in another dimension or universe or whatever. LOL. ;)
More soon plz, I love it even with all the ebilness! :)
Author's Response: Hi AMI!! OMG - Where the hel-ck is Spike!? I'm glad you believe in him . . . had one or two suggestions that Buffy may need to stake him if he's just being a prat! Let's hope THAT doesn't happen!
Sorry about the icky other dimension where Buffy's with Angel . . . we won't go there - I promise (at least for now!).
I'm glad you're still loving it, even with all the 'ebilness'! I'm going right now to post another chapter, so you won't have to wait long - OK?
Thanks sooooo much for reading and posting here - I really love hearing from you!
-P4S 2010.06.08
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 06/08/2010 - 08:01 pm
Title: Sex, Lies and Videotape, Chapter 3
OMG this was such a sad chappie. Poor Spike, poor Buffy...I wonder who sent that tape? And it was bad enuff all the gang had to see it too. I did like Spike kicking Angel's ass. But now he's so upset, and took off :( eep!
Evil to the next chappie.:)
Loving it tho it's sad right now.
Author's Response: Hi AMI! I had soooo many requests for Spike to kick Angel's ass from the original story that I felt obligated to let him for once! Thanks for the compliment "evil author" .. . I LOVE THAT! That's the ultimate compliment to me! I'm all smiley now . . even though you aren't!! SORRY! Glad you're loving it even tho it's sad . . . hopefully things will turn around here soon . ..
Thanks again for reading and posting here! I love hearing from you! You made my night! :D
-Passion4Spike 2010.06.08
Reviewer: magnus374
Date: 06/07/2010 - 04:12 pm
Title: Please Come Home, Chapter 4
I hope something happend to Spike that prevents hin from contacting Buffy, or I will be really mad at him.
Author's Response: Hi magnus! You aren't kidding! He better have one darn good reason for this! More coming soon - maybe we can find out what the heck his problem is! Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here! I love hearing from you! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.07
Reviewer: westwingwolf Signed
Date: 06/07/2010 - 03:22 pm
Title: Please Come Home, Chapter 4
I swear Spike better be unable to respond because if he can and just isn't because of his pride, I won't feel bad if Buffy kicks his ass and then dusts him.
Author's Response: Hi Westingwolf! Oh, you ain't kidding! He can be such a stubborn vamp sometimes, you never know with him!! Thanks so much for reading and stopping in here! I love hearing from you! Will post more soon and see if we can find out what the bloody hel-ck his problem is! Thanks again! -Passion4Spike 2010.06.07