Buffy kicked down the door of Spike’s crypt and walked in with a determined stride. Scanning the room with her eyes, she saw Spike sitting in his couch watching T.V.
“Spike, I need you to…,” Buffy began to order.
Spike stood up and cut her off, “Ohhhh so NOW you need me again. I thought I was supposed to stay out of your life?” He quirked his eyebrow at her and tilted his head, trying to look annoyed and impatient.
Buffy pursed her lips and looked angry at his sudden turn of indifference for her. “Are you going to help or not?” she demanded.
He stalked towards her in swaggering steps. “Unless you’re here for a bit of touch n’ feel,” he ran his eyes down her body suggestively before he stopped right in front of her face and put on a cold expression, “you should find someone else to kick around. I’m not your bloody lapdog.”
He was lying of course –he would have done anything for her, but he needed to regain some of his integrity back.
Surprised at his cold demeanor, Buffy eyes widened and she took a moment before replying. “Fine. Be an asshole. I’ll take care of it myself,” Buffy retorted as she began to turn away and head out of the crypt.
“I’M the asshole? You’re the one who de-invited me from your house!” Spike exclaimed. ‘How am I supposed to visit Nibblet and Joyce now?’ But Spike kept that thought to himself since he didn’t want to sound like a bloody poofter.
Buffy whipped around and shot him an angry glare. “I don’t want you anywhere near my house or my family. PLUS you let that ho-bag electrocute me and then you chained me to the wall!”
Spike’s expression was one of frustration. “I was trying to show you that I was willing to sacrifice Dru for you! I had every intention of letting you go!” he defended.
“On top of that, you can’t even admit to yourself that there’s something between us. I know it, you’re too scared to,” Spike’s voice lowered as he stepped closer to Buffy and starred intently into her eyes. He couldn’t help but reach out to run his hand lightly down her bare arm…
Buffy put her hands on his chest and shoved him back. “Spike,” Buffy interjected with calm malice, “There is nothing between us. Nothing. Wake up and see you’re the only one with the REALLY disturbing feelings here.”
Buffy crossed her arms across her chest again and tried to appear as firm on the issue as she could so Spike could get the message, “You don’t even really love me – you just think you do. It’s like one of your crazy slayer obsessions or something.” She moved in so her face was almost touching his before she added, “Get over it.”
Buffy turned her back and stormed out of the crypt, leaving Spike angry, but mostly with hurt in his eyes, like the night before when Buffy had closed her door in his face.
Spike let out a frustrated yell as he knocked over the couch in anger. He was angry at her for not believing him and refusing to admit anything, but he was angrier that he felt like running after her and apologizing like a bloody ponce. He sat himself down on the sarcophagus and put his face in his hands.
He ran his hands back through his hair in frustration. “I wish she would understand how it feels....being in love with that bloody bint is nothing but a pain in the arse…” Spike mumbled under his breath. He let out a sigh before he slowly stood up and went back to watching the telly.
Oblivious to both Buffy and Spike, something had heard Spike’s words and had begun to weave a change of events…and everything that was their reality.
Buffy began to stir from her nights sleep. She yawned and stretched her arms out before attempting to open her eyes.
As her eyes flickered open, she caught a glimpse of darkness.
‘Is it not morning yet…?’ She pondered, surprised that she felt so refreshed and sure she had slept until morning. But when she opened her eyes once again, what she saw made her eyes bulge and she jumped up frantically.
‘Omg why am I not in my room? Where am I?’ Her eyes scanned the dark surroundings and she realized with a horrified thought where she was – in Spike’s crypt down in his bedroom on his bed.
‘OMG OMG what the hell am I doing here?’ She looked down at herself and she seemed to be fully dressed in her flannel pjs. Next to her on the bed, was Mr. Gordo. She grabbed the stuffed pig and thoughts sped through her mind as her heart beat accelerated from panic.
‘Why is Mr. Gordo here? Why am I in my pajamas?’ Her mind raced as she tried to remember anything besides going to sleep in her own bed. And then she remembered it was
Spike’s crypt.“Spike!!!!!,” Buffy angrily screamed aloud, thinking he was probably somewhere in the crypt, though she didn’t sense him. “Spike!!!!! Get your dead ass over here!!!!”
There was no reply or noise of footsteps. ‘I’m going to kick his ass when I find him’ Buffy thought to herself as she slid her legs off the bed and got up. She knew he was behind this – he had to be.
‘I should go find him. Then I’ll stake that bastard,’ she fumed to herself.
Buffy started walking towards the ladder, but realized she had on her silly flannel pjs and how ridiculous she would look walking through the cemetery like that. She hesitated for a moment, before walking over to Spike’s dresser drawer. ‘I bet everything in his wardrobe is black or leathery. Looking like him is worse than my pjs on any day.’
She decided to check anyway, in case he had some of Harmony’s clothes left over. She pulled on the drawer, only to find before her eyes, her very own bras and underwear, just the way she had in her drawer at home. Confused and wide-eyed, she pulled the drawer below out, to reveal all of HER stuff, as if she was looking into the dresser at home.
Her heart pounded and she was beginning to feel dizzy from confusion. ‘Ok this is creeping me out. What is happening here??? Maybe I’m still asleep. Yes, this is a bad bad dream. Wake up Buffy! Wake up!’ She pinched herself hard. “Ow!” she cried out loud to no one.
After a few minutes of pacing and pinching, Buffy decided to see what would happen if she tried to get out of the crypt. She put on a black knee-length skirt and a baby blue turtleneck and headed upstairs to the door. As she flung the door open, she was surprised to see that it was night.
Buffy made her way over to her house first, to make sure that Dawn and her mom were ok. Everything – the streets and the town – looked the same, yet she got an eerie feeling that something was not quite right.
When she reached the house, she tried to find something that looked different, but everything seemed the same. Walking up to the door and giving the knob a turn, she realized it was locked and she didn’t have the key with her.
She pounded on the door violently, “Dawn! Mom! Open the door! It’s me! Buffy!” She continued pounded for what seemed like minutes, desperate to see Dawn and her mother.
Finally, she heard loud footsteps trudging down the stairs to the door. Instead of Dawn or her mom, SPIKE opened the door. Buffy suddenly felt a weird pang in her gut at the sight of him, but she ignored it as best she could, and went with anger.
Spike looked at her like she was deranged and came outside and closed the door. “What the bloody hell is wrong with you now? What do you mean your house? This is where I LIVE. And be quiet, you’re disturbing my mum and nibblet.”
“What!?!? I woke up and found myself in YOUR crypt! With all my stuff in the drawers! I don’t even remember you knocking me out! What is going on? What did you do to me?” she yelled before adding, “and she is not your mom!” Buffy felt like her head was going to pop from how angry she was that Spike was deciding to mess with her and from the INSANE things he was saying.
Spike had his brows furrowed as he starred at her, like she had completely lost it. “Did you go absolutely insane? You know I live here with MY family and you know you live in a crypt. Do you need some clinical help or something? Or is this another desperate attempt at trying to win over my affection? Go back to your crypt and stay out of my life already.” He opened the front door and started to go back inside.
Her head was reeling. She was livid, to say the least, and she was confused, because she did all of a sudden feel like Spike was the love of her life. She didn’t know why she felt this way - she hadn’t had that heart-wrenching feeling since Angel. ‘This has to be a dream’ she chanted to herself to keep calm.
Angry at the way Spike was turning his back on her, Buffy lunged forward to grab him, when suddenly, she was thrown back as soon as she hit the barrier of the door. She stepped forward again, thinking she must have imagined it, but was faced with an invisible barrier.
“You know I already de-invited you to my house Buffy. Give it up, no humans allowed, especially you,” Spike said with annoyance as he shut the door in her face and locked it.
Buffy suddenly felt lightheaded. She wanted to barf, she wanted to scream and cry and hurt something, but most of all, she wanted it to all be a dream. She was having a hard time breathing, when she realized something to add to her panic – she was sensing a total of 3 vampires in the house. Spike….and Dawn…. and Mom. Her head throbbed and she felt the floor spinning beneath her feet. Unable to bear it anymore, she passed out, right there on the porch of the house on Revello drive that was hers just yesterday.
A/N: ok I know this “reverse world” may be weird and confusing. Some things are not exactly reversible, so it’s just whatever I think is necessary to be different. I’ll put recaps in (starting next chapter), so that people can follow what is going on in case they missed something.