I think I've read three fics (which I cannot remember the names of) which is quite lengthy about Buffy and Spike being stuck together in a cabin.
I'm looking for more fics with these criterias:
- Buffy and Spike being stuck together (not necessarily in a cabin, could also be a motel, running away from something, in Revello Drive, anything as long as they can't run away from the each other).
- Spike must be evil, either with or without the chip, but very much preferably before he developed feelings for Buffy.
- NC-17

- The longer, the better.
- Aaaaaangst! No but seriously, I love angst. Please nothing too fluffy. I love bantering and sexy looks from Spike while Buffy gets all flustered, but no cuddly bunnies on the sofa after the first couple of chapters.
Anything like that out there?